- Beautiful video shot at the Dallas Aquarium by my friend @stealingsand: http://vimeo.com/15928650 Watch it in full screen HD.
- Of all the online bios I have – I just realized I like my Vimeo bio the best. http://vimeo.com/jdblundell Time to make some updates.
- Cool new app for batch downloading Flickr photos. Works on PC, Mac and Linux: http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/72157622874451890/
- Father and son send iPhone and camera into space: http://www.towleroad.com/2010/10/watch-father-and-son-send-iphone-camera-to-film-space.html (HT @ericbaze)
- Great interview re: To Kill a Mockingbird and social justice: http://thenickandjoshpodcast.com/2010/10/12/ep-166-matt-litton-the-mockingbird-parables/
- Sweet new knitted caps for the boys! Thanks to @kevinhendricks, @abbyhendricks and family! http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdblundell/5094522367/
- Come on Rangers… Just two more innings
- Enjoying the 9th inning tonight
- Way to go Rangers! Great job Cliff Lee!
- Interesting interview with John McCain on Nightline tonight — says his positions haven’t changed –“the voter’s have spoken”
Also in today’s mail… @jonathanbrink‘s new book – Discovering the God Imagination – http://amzn.to/9BJhwc
I would have tweeted all that… if I had been tweeting.
Less than 55 hours to go!
Isn’t this like cheat tweeting??
Totally. I call cheater.
Not cheating… Just live blogging.