I had the opportunity to return to encounter yesterday to fill in for Brian as he attended a family event.
It’s always an honor to be asked to speak to any group and yesterday was no exception.
My thoughts were broadcast on Ustream… and I’ve taken the video and posted my portion of it on Vimeo.
Would love your feedback and thoughts if you get a chance.
Also, I played around with the video on my iPhone Friday before and after our doctor appointment.
In case you missed it – we were given some awesome news Friday… so watch the videos to see what it was
Sorry for the slow reply. I, finally, found a free hour to watch.
I congratulate you and your wife on the SOON arrival of your twin sons. October 21 is just a few days away!! Praying that everything goes will with the delivery. Praying that Mom gets through this c-section with no difficulties and her speedy recovery. Praying that both boys arrive without complications and in good health. Praying for you, as well.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful message. You would fit right in with my Journey Church family!! If you ever get to Rochester, MN; make sure and visit us.
“Love God. Love People.” seems so very simple, but as you stated, that isn’t the case. Putting aside our biases and prejudices is no easy task.
How right you are that we should let the Holy Spirit convict others. If only we would just ‘follow’ Jesus instead of always wanting to take the lead?? That is what judging others happens to be. It is us usurping our role as Jesus-followers and taking His role as the Leader. I confess that I tend to get out in front more often than not. God forgive me.
Thanks, again!!
Sorry for the slow reply. I, finally, found a free hour to watch.
I congratulate you and your wife on the SOON arrival of your twin sons. October 21 is just a few days away!! Praying that everything goes will with the delivery. Praying that Mom gets through this c-section with no difficulties and her speedy recovery. Praying that both boys arrive without complications and in good health. Praying for you, as well.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful message. You would fit right in with my Journey Church family!! If you ever get to Rochester, MN; make sure and visit us.
“Love God. Love People.” seems so very simple, but as you stated, that isn’t the case. Putting aside our biases and prejudices is no easy task.
How right you are that we should let the Holy Spirit convict others. If only we would just ‘follow’ Jesus instead of always wanting to take the lead?? That is what judging others happens to be. It is us usurping our role as Jesus-followers and taking His role as the Leader. I confess that I tend to get out in front more often than not. God forgive me.
Thanks, again!!
Jester, thanks for the feedback! Very much appreciated!
I’ll be sure to let you know if I head that direction… we have a few friends scattered around MN. Perhaps one day we’ll make it up that way.
Thanks again!