The fight against immigrants

My mom sent me a forwarded e-mail. I don’t think she necessarily agreed with it, just wanted my opinion.
Snopes has a copy of the e-mail but the factuality/truth of the email is undetermined.
So here is my response:

This sounds like typical propaganda that you could have seen at any point during our country’s history. There have been similar gripes about African Americans, Japanese, Chinese, Germans, Irish, Jews, Arabs… you name it. If someone’s different and things aren’t exactly how you want them to be – find a group to blame.
Hitler came to power because he saw Germany falling apart and he was able to propagate and get the German people to believe the source of their problems were the Jews.
I wonder why the church isn’t helping these folks. I wonder why the people griping and moaning the most aren’t doing more to help these people.
In any system there are those who chose to abuse the system to their advantage but there are also those who respect the system and respect those who are giving them a chance.
I find it hard to believe that everyone of the children getting the free breakfast are illegal immigrants or from families of illegal immigrants.
I bet you would find very similar situations in any school that offers free meals and they’re probably not all Hispanic or immigrants.
The problem is with the individuals themselves and government subsidies aren’t going to solve the problem, sending them back to Mexico isn’t going to solve the problem, giving them citizenship isn’t going to solve the problem. It’s going to take these people making a change themselves.
Why are the kids overweight – it’s not because they get free food, its because of their diet. Healthy food is more expensive. There are far more poor black individuals in our country with diabetes than any other group – why? Because many of them are living on welfare/food stamps and they go to the store to buy as much food as they can for the money. And the cheapest food contains the most starches and sugar (corn syrup). I’m not trying to make a racists statement out of that. Just pointing out the fact. I think its a very sad state of affairs when the majority of lower income areas across our country are full of minorities and not racial diversity.
These families, (children and parents) need to be educated. And regardless of whether or not the government takes it upon themselves to do it or not, the church should be. The church should be showing grace to each and everyone of them. The church should be working to help these individuals change – government subsidies aren’t going to change them.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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