Little Miss was practicing her cobra tonight. I think she’s all figured out child’s pose and I’ll expect downward dog next.
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Little Miss was practicing her cobra tonight. I think she’s all figured out child’s pose and I’ll expect downward dog next.
Published via Pressgram
It’s interesting that in yoga – breath carries energy. Many of the movements are centered around breathing and shifting your focus to the simple act of breathing.
I’ve also read and heard that the name of God – YHWH is comprised of aspirated consonants — that when spoken, are truly the sound of breathing.
Over time we’ve arbitrarily added an “a†and an “e†in there to get YaHWeH, presumably because we have a preference for vowels. But scholars have noted that the letters YHWH represent breathing sounds, aspirated consonants that in the Hebrew alphabet would be transliterated like this:
Yod, rhymes with “rodeâ€, which we transliterate “Yâ€
He, rhymes with “sayâ€, which we transliterate “Hâ€
Vav, like “lavaâ€, which we transliterate “V†or “Wâ€
He rhymes with “sayâ€, which we transliterate “Hâ€
Rob Bell has wondered what this means in key moments like when a baby is born – newly arrived on planet earth, must they take their first breath, or rather speak the name of God if they are to be alive here? On our deathbed, do we breathe our last breath? Or is it that we cease to be alive when the name of God is no longer on our lips?
My friend Frank has shared that at many times he’s found himself stressed about his situation and by just taking a moment to breathe the name of God Yod-He-Vav-He, has helped clear his mind of distractions and helped ease him through the situation – as if it was a simple prayer to re-center him on what’s important.
All interesting ideas.
With all this in mind, it fascinates me that this practice of yoga that so many people (myself included) find renewing and helpful — and the simple practice of breathing that we do day in and day out — may be centered around “speaking” the very name of God.
YHWH – I am that I am.
For more on breath prayers visit Soul Shepherd.
Well I’m a little more than one month in to my #50lbsByDec challenge.
I officially started the challenge June 24 and as of today, Aug. 1, I’m down 13.4 lbs.
My big changes have been doing DDP Yoga 2-3 times a week along with counting calories again via MyFitnessPal — which essentially comes down to being aware of what I’m eating.
I find it’s super easy to mindlessly open the pantry and grab a handful of the first thing you see (which is typically some sort of chip or cracker in our house). Before you know it you’ve eaten two or three handfuls – or 3 or 4 servings at 120+ calories a pop.
But the more mindful I am at tracking my intake (especially before I actually eat it) the more likely I am to reduce the crap.
The more I focus on eating the good stuff – veggies, complex carbs, low-fat meat (if any) – the less desirable the crap food becomes.
I’m working towards eating even less meat when possible, eliminating simple carbs and cutting back on dairy as well (I’ve found Silk soy milk to be an awesome substitute).
I’m trying not be legalistic about it – but remain flexible when needed and more importantly – more aware of what I’m eating.
It’s a work in progress, but it’s definitely doable.
Here are a few photos showing my progress so far: