NT Wright on how to read Scripture

NT Wright
NT Wright at Park Street Church | Photo by Rachel Ford James

The Work of the People shared some recent thoughts from NT Wright on how to read the “whole sweep of Scripture.”

Some really interesting points…

I think Wright is definitely on to something.

We don’t read letters from our friends by simply pulling out random sentences here or there.

We don’t read novels or books by simply jumping around reading random paragraphs from day to day. We’d miss the entire flow of the story.

So why do we (I) read Scriptures that way?

What do you think?

How do you read Scriptures on a regular basis?

Resurrection (Rob Bell)

At the heart of the historical Jesus story is the provocative, compelling, subversive, beautiful insistence that nothing can ever be the same again, not after resurrection.

What we do with our lives matters…

Do you believe this?

May the our lives be living proof that Jesus is alive.

Death in his grave

The Tomb | Photo by Stewart Cutler

Today we wait in anxiousness…

Love has been buried.

Tomorrow we celebrate…

Love resurrected!

Death in his grave…

And proof that Love — that became flesh — Wins!

On Friday a thief
On Sunday a King
Laid down in grief
But awoke with keys
Of Hell on that day
The first born of the slain
The Man Jesus Christ
Laid death in his grave


Mini Seattle
Mini Seattle | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

Laurie and I have had a number of great vacations over the past 4 years – and I think we’re both looking forward to many more with (and maybe without) our two boys.

Just for kicks, I found a cool tutorial the other day that simulated the “toy-photography” (aka tilt-shift) niche via Photoshop and thought I’d create some “mini-vacations” for you to enjoy.
Continue reading Mini-vacations

Adventures in Fatherhood: My twin boys at play

After a few “heavy” blog posts this week… how about some fun videos of my twin boys?

I wish I had my Flip Camera nearby, but instead I used my iPhone to grab some video of my boys having a great time playing on their play mat yesterday afternoon.


BTW… seeing the “related videos” on YouTube that automatically post next to these videos makes me really thankful for Vimeo. Now I just need a good app on my phone that will post to Vimeo instead of YouTube… (and someone to sponsor a Vimeo Plus account for me :-))