The organized killing called war (not to be confused w/local police action) is incompatible with the way of Christ. Deep down you know this.
— Brian Zahnd (@BrianZahnd) May 27, 2013
Tag: twitter posts
How to Share on Twitter with a short URL

A while back I shared a simple tip on how to add a Share on Twitter link to your WordPress blog…
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo urlencode("Currently reading: "); ?><?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="Share this article with your Twitter followers">Tweet this!</a>
But if your URL’s are too long and you’d like a more concise Tweet — there are a few other options for doing this as well (without using plugins).
Continue reading How to Share on Twitter with a short URL
Things I would have tweeted yesterday
- Beautiful video shot at the Dallas Aquarium by my friend @stealingsand: Watch it in full screen HD.
- Of all the online bios I have – I just realized I like my Vimeo bio the best. Time to make some updates.
- Cool new app for batch downloading Flickr photos. Works on PC, Mac and Linux:
- Father and son send iPhone and camera into space: (HT @ericbaze)
- Great interview re: To Kill a Mockingbird and social justice:
- Sweet new knitted caps for the boys! Thanks to @kevinhendricks, @abbyhendricks and family!
- Come on Rangers… Just two more innings
- Enjoying the 9th inning tonight
- Way to go Rangers! Great job Cliff Lee!
- Interesting interview with John McCain on Nightline tonight — says his positions haven’t changed –“the voter’s have spoken”
Also in today’s mail… @jonathanbrink‘s new book – Discovering the God Imagination –
I would have tweeted all that… if I had been tweeting.
Less than 55 hours to go!
97 hours without Twitter?
This morning I was checking in on Twitter and realized I’ve posted 19,998 Tweets since I joined Twitter in October 2007.
I posed the question… does this make me an oversharer?

To which my brother-in-law posed the response… go on a tweet holiday and use the 20,000 to announce the birth! Unless you’ve already passed it by now!

Sounds like a reasonable enough challenge… 97 hours or so without Twitter (well at least without posting to my main Twitter account @jdblundell :-))
So we’ll see if I can do it.
Granted my biggest worry is the various online accounts that automatically post to Twitter for me (probably one of the reasons I’ve reached 19,999 tweets). I think I’ve disabled all the connections, but we’ll see.
Thankfully, Twitter’s started using OAauth, so hopefully I’ve disconnected all these services (check to see what sites/applications have rights to your Twitter account).
So there you have it… no Twitter for 97 hours… but I’m betting that may lead to more blog posts, video updates and posts to Facebook.
And for those of you who don’t have Twitter… you can still get the big announcement via a SMS text message.
Simply send a text with the following message to 40404:
follow jdblundell
You’ll likely get a response asking for a username. Simply pick a random username, send it as a reply to the same account and you’ll get the big announcement as a text message on your phone.
And in case you didn’t know…
I also tweet from @sbpodcast @welivesimply @orangenoise @stpetersbrew @blundybabies @travisranch
Yeah, I’m probably an oversharer.
The feather pillow

An old proverb tells the story of a person who repeated gossip – some rumor about a neighbor.
Soon, the whole community had heard the rumor.
Later, the person who spread the gossip learned that the rumor was untrue.
The person was very sorry and went to an elder in the community who had a reputation for great wisdom to seek advice.
Continue reading The feather pillow
Life in 140-characters at a time

Yesterday, I briefly told you about Kevin Hendrick’s latest book, .
I want to be sure I give it it’s just due.
Continue reading Life in 140-characters at a time