Resurrection (Rob Bell)

At the heart of the historical Jesus story is the provocative, compelling, subversive, beautiful insistence that nothing can ever be the same again, not after resurrection.

What we do with our lives matters…

Do you believe this?

May the our lives be living proof that Jesus is alive.

Rob Bell, Love Wins, and what Bell isn’t saying

The rapture in Dallas
The rapture in Dallas | Via

With Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person who Ever Lived (available in hardcover, Kindle, audio version) creating such a stir, and pastors across the country rushing to warn their congregations about the book, I thought it would be worthwhile to take a look at some of the major accusations I’ve heard and give a little insight into what I believe Bell is really saying.

(You may want to read my first post – Rob Bell, Love Wins and why I hope he’s right before continuing.)

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that this isn’t a full scope of what Bell is or isn’t saying — but perhaps it will encourage those of you who are getting over your certainty to take the time to read the book for yourself and make your own opinions about what’s inside it.
Continue reading Rob Bell, Love Wins, and what Bell isn’t saying

Rob Bell, Love Wins and why I hope he’s right

love wins
love wins

So Rob Bell has a new book out. It’s caused a firestorm of controversy and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and read it for myself.

And now I have.

But before I give you my overview of Rob Bell’s latest book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person who Ever Lived (available in hardcover, Kindle, audio version), perhaps it would be fair to give you a little perspective as to where I’m coming from.
Continue reading Rob Bell, Love Wins and why I hope he’s right

No compromise (Rob Bell, hell, faith & theology)

Satan is trapped in the frozen central zone in the Ninth Circle of Hell, Canto 34 (Dante's Inferno) | Image via Wikicommons

This weekend, Twitter and the blogosphere were a flutter over the idea that a Christian pastor might lean towards universalism. GASP!

You can read more here, here, here, here, here and here.

All these folks getting their debate on — over a book that hasn’t even been released yet — and one in which the vast majority of commentators haven’t even read.
Continue reading No compromise (Rob Bell, hell, faith & theology)

The girl behind the porn #icsex

This is my submission on the IdeaCamp week 1 topic of pornography.

Yesterday I shared a stat that said the average age a child first sees pornography is 11.

That may seem shocking for sure but I’m pretty sure that was around the time I saw my first helping of porn — if not sooner.

Growing up I remember getting “fixes” from a number of places.

And no matter where I found it, there was always an allure, something appealing about those women staring back at me. There was always an allure in thinking that they wanted me.
Continue reading The girl behind the porn #icsex