
Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell.

When I graduated high school a friend said there were three P’s you needed as a business man in Dallas – a phone, a pager and a pistol.

Monday, six candidates for the Republican National Party Chairmanship took part in a “debate.” Two (three) of the questions posed to candidates where, “How many guns do you own?” and “Do you use Twitter and how many followers do you have?”

I guess that means that owning guns and using Twitter makes you qualified to be the GOP leader? I’ll let you decide.

*notice – no photographers or politicians were hurt in the shooting of this photo.

A party I could/maybe/possibly/sometimes believe in…

The Texas Republican Party released their final platform for 2008… there’s a lot of things I think I could really get on board with. And yet there are still many things I think I could do without.

I could list lots of highlights on both sides of the line… but my cousins and Laurie have probably stopped reading already.

I think it’s amusing that the party seems to applaud the freedom of speech for pastors (see ending IRS restrictions on clergy) – yet wants to limit the freedom of speech of those who may want to “desecrate the American flag” (see section on honoring the symbols of American heritage).

“Yes. We’re for freedom of speech. Well as long as you don’t offend me with what you’re saying.”

I wonder if they’d be happy giving full freedom of speech to Dr. Jeremiah Wright or Louis Farrakhan

So, I’ll let you read the platform for yourself and then share what you think is great/grand/wonderful/horrible in the comments. Let’s see if we can top the site record of 24!

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The Texas GOP 2008 party platform
The Texas GOP