When I was in college my roommate and I started a simple t-shirt company – Refugee: Clothing Worth Talking About.
We ordered 10-15 shirts to start off with, but unfortunately they weren’t printed before the end of the semester (when I expected them) so we didn’t sell as many as we hoped.
This afternoon I got the itch to do a few more basic designs and decided to try them out on Spreadshirt.com to see how they do.
I’ll try and add more shirts as time goes by (maybe even bring back a couple of those original designs as well).
You can find them all at casadeblundell.spreadshirt.com.
As an added bonus if you order more than $50 from Spreadshirt.com you can use the code SHIPPEDFREE (for the US) and CADSHIPPEDFREE (for Canada) and get your shipping for free.