Well, we’ve moved… in case you missed that bit of news.
We’ve moved to Travis Ranch in Forney, Texas (aka Kaufman County Municipal Utility District No. 6).
It’s a beautiful, growing neighborhood, that’s part of a 1,600-2000 (depending on which news article or website you’re looking at) acre master planned community.
The neighborhood offers several great amenities, including an inline skating hockey rink, a pool, splash park and several playgrounds.
There are also plans for retail development and a marina to be added at some point in the future — just haven’t found a good site for detailed information on those additions.
We’ve already enjoyed the pool a few times, as well as walking the “trail” along the main roadway. I’m sure all the amenities, including the neighborhood elementary school (which is less than .5 a mile from our home) will be even more beneficial once the twins arrive.
But me being nosy like I am, I’ve been trying to find out as much as I can about the HOA, the full plans for the development and the Municipal Utility District we’re a part of.
Continue reading Travis Ranch HOA