Well two major tasks have been completed today.
Laurie finished painting the living room while I hung the Christmas lights outside.
The dining room looks great. Laurie really did a great job.
Putting the lights up was a little bit of a different experience. I always remember rushing to want to put them up every year. I had fun climbing the tree in the front yard to wrap them in the best way possible. As I look back I think it looked pretty random and trashy but either no one noticed or didn’t care to tell me.
So far we’re not doing much with outdoor lights this year. Just some basic white C7 lights around the eves.
But I’ve run into a problem with our “bell tower.” I’m hoping maybe you can help.
As you can see in the picture above, as well as below, there’s a somewhat random string of lights that hang down on the sides of the “bell tower” above the front porch.
I think it looks a little tacky but I can’t figure out what to do with them.
Should I hook them to the brick along side the tower somehow? Should I tape them down? Should I just unscrew the bulbs so it doesn’t look as bad at night?
Any and all suggestions will be taken. Just let me know. I think it looks tacky and would love some suggestions and/or help.
Thanks in advance.
Now its time to find some dinner and come back to set up the tree and interior decorations.
Sadly, Orange Friday will be coming to a close before too long.
Tag: painting
Almost done – well not quite
Well it’s been a fun few days around here.
Tuesday afternoon I got a new job offer – more on that later.
Tuesday night we had a game night for our community group at Amy and Gaylan’s. We had a great time hanging out and celebrating Gaylan’s birthday. We’re planning our Christmas party back over there in a couple weeks.
Wednesday Laurie and I headed back to work and then went to Aaron and Keri’s for the Lehmann Thanksgiving festivities. Always fun to see all the Lehmann’s and enjoy their great food and fellowship.
We got home Wednesday night around 8:30 and Laurie went right to work painting the dining room. I tell you what, when she gets her mind set on something there’s not much that can stop her. She had briefly started painting on Tuesday night before our community group but we really went to town Wednesday night. Unfortunately we ran out of painter’s tape so we avoided some spots near the ceiling and window trim.
We ran out of paint in our first can around midnight so Laurie started cleaning up and getting prepped to make her infamous potato casserole for our Thanksgiving meal.
Almost done
Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell.
It was then that she realized she needed more sour cream and hash browns. Doh!
I headed out in the cold to Wal-Mart in Lancaster, who were luckily still open.
Grabbed the food, some more painter’s paint as well as Christmas lights.
We’ve got plenty of miniature Christmas lights, but I wanted something different so I bought several strings of larger white lights for outside the house.
We enjoyed sleeping in Thursday morning and Laurie got up around 10 to make some great cinnamon/orange rolls and to finish the potato casserole.
We left for her parents around noon after the casserole finished cooking and I got OrangeNoiseRadio set up for Orange Friday.
More on Thanksgiving fun coming…
This is just cool. A guy paints 30 different influential people on his torso with stop action animation. Definitely a fun use of YouTube.
Who are your influences?