A great simple explanation – in the spirit of Common Craft videos
Tag: missions
Washing their feet
The story of Jesus washing the disciples feet doesn’t seem to fit into our modern western civilization.
We wear shoes or flip flops everywhere we go. And if our feet get dirty, there’s always a faucet nearby where we can wash them off and keep going.
But for some, that’s not always possible.
A mission team to Kenya found this out all to personally.
Continue reading Washing their feet
City Ministries in Nigeria
Mike Blyth shared an info-video from some of the missionaries serving with City Ministries in Nigeria.
City Ministries is the same group we worked with when we went to Jos, Nigeria in 2006 and also when CWF went in 2007.
Also friend and UMHB alumni, Erin Rigsby, works with City Ministries as well as a nurse for many of the children in the homes.
Dec. 30 update from Erin
From Erin Rigsby,
Dear Friends,
Hope you had a great Christmas!
Thanks to many of you emailing me, I realize many folks are praying regarding my health and I want to give you an update. I will not be able to return to Nigeria in January as I hoped.
I saw my pulmonary doctor yesterday and because I still have a cough and lung pain and a small hole in my lung, his wise recommendation is that I remain in the States for now. When I pressed him for a time that I might be able to return, he suggested we be flexible, but perhaps in March. I am continuing to take medications to kill the bacteria in my lungs. The doctor asked that I focus on resting, so for the time being, I am not available for any speaking engagements. Resting sounds a bit boring to me, but wise and just what the doctor ordered.
I realize that the Lord answered our prayers for a wonderful doctor and God placed Dr. Beckendorf in authority over my health. Because of this, I am at peace.
Although this is not what I had planned… that is the beauty of it – that the LORD is in control and His ways are better and are full of love and wisdom.
On a sidenote, we have been having technical issues with my website and I apologize if you have tried logging onto it and it has not worked. We are hoping the NEW site, SAME address will be launched very soon! Will keep you posted.
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Isaiah 55:8
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Content to trust,
Pastor Steve’s visit
This is a little late but Pastor Steve from Lake Point Church visited Jos in November last year and here’s a report from his visit. I thought I had already posted it, but realized I hadn’t this morning. Sorry for the oversight.
Pastor Steve and his team left today for USA. Their visit to us was rewarding and exciting. They were thrilled, excited, happy and helpful.
They visited all your projects in TH, Gidan Bege, Gyero, VVF plus our trip to the bush in Bauchi State. On our way back we stopped at Gumau where a Bauchi State Judge gave us land for a large Church in the small town. We prayed there holding hands and praising God. There Pastor Steve announced a $5000 donation for the project. Elder Ken gave $2500 for the one inside the village next to the you built.
At the dinner in my house yesterday, Pastor Steve further pledged $20000 towards our ministry. $5000 of this sum is to go for 2 village Churches, $3000 for grains for the street kids and the remaining $12000 for Gidan Bege compassion work.
At his meeting with Plateau Church elders, areas of cooperation in Church planting, youth minstry and leadership training were discussed and agreed upon. This is one visit that has achieved so much for us. We thank God for all of you and your prayers. You started it all and He will surely bless you abundantly.
Fund raiser for Nigeria Mission Trip
Planning has begun for the Oct. 2007 mission trip to Nigeria. In the meantime a garage sale is planned this Saturday to benefit the group going earlier this year in February/March.
Saturday, January 20th
3001 Elm Grove Rd Wylie, TX 75098
Donations of goods are now being accepted to raise funds for Feb/Mar Nigeria mission trip. Contributions can be given to any mission team member or arrangements to drop off your donation at 3001 Elm Grove Rd Wylie, TX 75098 (approximately ½ mile from Waterview subdivision in Rowlett) if you have any questions or would like to make a donation, drop me a line.
Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!
God bless and thank you for your support!!!