The first question

From Mike Huckabee:

The first question I am often asked these days is: “Why are you still running for President?”

It is because I believe that I am the best candidate to represent you in the fall against the Democrats. Why? Because I have core conservative beliefs that I have never wavered from:

I believe in the Human Life Amendment and I will fight for it from Day 1 of my Presidency.

I believe in the Marriage Amendment.

I believe in massive tax reform and am an advocate of the FairTax.

I believe that President Bush’s tax cuts should be made permanent.

I believe in the Surge, our troops and General Petraeus.

I believe the 2nd amendment is one of the best ways to protect us from tyranny and I will work tirelessly to protect it from activist judges.

I believe in real border security and have proposed a detailed 9 point plan to secure our borders.

I believe the best judge is a conservative judge that won’t legislate from the bench.

These are some of the reasons why I am running for President and let me also say that YOU are another reason. I am running to give you a voice in the process. To lift up your voice with mine and to tell our Party and our government that we need to do better. We need to think big and fight for our ideas.

There’s lots of voting left to be done before our Republican Party’s nominee is decided.

Ellis County 4 Huckabee

A new blog has popped up in Ellis County and this time it doesn’t appear to be focused on picking a fight with all the local officials.
EllisCounty4Huckabee showed up online last week to show support for Mike Huckabee’s run at the White House.
Check it out, visit often and share some Huckabee love.

THE quote of the day

Huckabee won Kansas today and is leading in Louisiana right now. He’s also only McCain by roughly 300 votes in Washington with 70% of the precincts reporting….

“I know the pundits, and I know what they say: The math doesn’t work out,” Huckabee said Saturday morning at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. “Well, I didn’t major in math, I majored in miracles. And I still believe in those, too.”

The Gospel according to Mike Huckabee

From NPR:

If you heard Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s victory speech on Super Tuesday, you may have noticed him speaking in what is almost a separate dialect. Some listeners have even asked us what he was talking about. So NPR headed off to the National Mall in search of people who understood Huckabee’s biblical allusions.

It proved almost as hard as getting a camel through the eye of a needle.

Seems like much of Huckabee’s Christianese may be confusing people. What about our our language and conversation. Are we using terms that others may not know?