Remember the milk

There are LOTS of online tools to help you remember what you need to do. now offers a handy printable list you can stick on your fridge to be sure you don’t leave anything behind on your weekly trips to the store.
Just print it out, hang it on the refrigerator door and mark it up before you go to the grocery store.


“Please on behalf of those who will listen to you, stop using PowerPoint, or at least stop using PowerPoint the way that it is commonly used.”

Just found AcademHack – via research on my last post about Twitter. The presentation above is from them. Wish I had one of Brian’s weekly PowerPoints – they’re usually right on with this idea.

AcademHack has some great stuff! I’m not in the classroom but there’s some great stuff here that could work for those in any type of leadership/teaching position… including community groups.