I started off this year wanting to follow Brandi’s monthly list of great things that happen throughout the month. Well, January came and went and I didn’t get anything posted. February has not come and gone as well and now its March.
I’ll see if what I can recall from my Flickr 365 stream and hopefully keep better track of things in March.
So here’s a list of things I did/learned/thought about each day of the month.
1. New Years – we celebrated Dan and Bob’s birthday at our house
2. We watched Hancock tonight. Good fun Will Smith movie.
3. Trans Siberian Orchestra! And dinner with Jed and Jen and then gelato from Patrizios.
4. Sunday afternoon nap!
5. It was 30 degrees outside, but I was reminded I had a nice home to keep me warm.
6. Started Tubby Tuesday – need to be better keeping up.
7. Learned that I have what it takes to be the GOP National Convention Chair.
8. Published a new podcast interview with Steve Knight.
9. Ikea!
10. Took down the Christmas lights and took some “stuff” to the thrift store and dump.
11. encounter challenge to walk by faith – and face the giants in our lives :: fully surrender, intentional relationships, caring for others, personal responsibility, leadership
12. I am not for sale. You are not for sale. No one should be for sale.
13. Tubby Tuesday – down 3.8lbs since the last week.
14. Apparently the 14th was a pretty uneventful day.
15. I realized I’m no good at jumping rope.
16. We had Kara and Tim over for dinner for Cafe de Blundell.
17. God’s grace is beyond our imagination.
18. For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard… (Matt 20:1)
19. MLK Jr Day – U2’s Get On Your Boots was released today.
20. Barack Obama sworn in as our 44th President!
21. Swam 400 yards in the (heated) pool. Wore me out!
22. “a fairly uneventful day today. a meeting in the morning at work, an hour or so at the gym riding a bike, weights and a .5 mile around the track.”
23. Winter allergies – YUCK!
24. Reflecting on Ephesians 2:14-18, “may we overcome. may we tear down walls we’ve built in the past and build bridges towards a New Humanity instead.”
25. We celebrated my grandmother’s 90th birthday today! And found out my cousin Brian and his wife Amanda are having a baby! (I’m betting it will be a girl).
26. Laurie made her magical strawberry cake cookies!
27. Tubby Tuesday – I gained 2.8 lbs over the week! GRIPES!
28. Ice day! No work!
29. I was Mr Grumpy Pants on the 29th. Didn’t get my way and couldn’t figure out why it bothered me so much.
30. A fairly uneventful day – frost on the truck on my way to work.
31. African American Read-In at the Majestic Theatre.
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