highlight(s) of the week ::
On Tuesday we went and watched my nephew Jake play his first soccer game. He even scored a goal near the end of the game! Afterwards we had fun going to dinner with family for Brad’s (Laurie’s brother) birthday.
Also, on Wednesday night I was able to spend some time with my parents and grandparents. Not quite the evening I had expected, but it was time well spent.
quote i’m digging ::
“Because the Church of Jesus Christ boldly stood up and said we’re not going to kill the enemy, we’re going to identify with the suffering and suffer with them. This is Jesus’ way.†– Tony Campolo referring to the Church in Bulgaria standing up to Nazi Germany.
work update ::
I applied for a different position at DCCCD. Been holding off on saying anything until I heard back and/or my boss knew. I’ve applied for a Senior Web Editor position. Same building, different department, but still working on the district’s website (just another section of it). I had a test today for the position that mainly covered AP and writing style. We’ll see how well I did. I haven’t done much editing or use of AP style religiously in the last year or so. Hopefully I did OK and I’ll be asked to continue on in the hiring process.
freelance work ::
Picked up a couple more jobs this past week. One for a previous client (don’t really like that term) and another for a newbie. Both doing web work.
gym/weight update ::
I still haven’t lost much weight. I’m still stuck around 230 lbs. It varies from day to day. I feel like I’m in better (physical) shape overall but haven’t seen much change in my actual “shape” although several people keep suggesting I’ve lost a lot of weight. I did ride 19 miles on the exercise bike yesterday. Wasn’t a problem except for the sore rear-end near the end.
misc ::
I was also asked to photograph a wedding for a couple that couldn’t afford a “professional” photographer. Did the work for free and I’m in the process of editing/processing the photos. Once I get them processed maybe I’ll share some of them on Flickr.
(still) looking forward to ::
A day off on Friday! Woot!
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