A change of heart (part 2)

Boat on Sea of Galilee
Boat on Sea of Galilee | Photo by Stewart Cutler

Read part 1

While his fellow student’s heart was filling with joy and compassion, this second student’s heart began to fill with questions and frustration.

He was a fisherman by trade and in his heart. He worked hard manual labor every day before the teacher called him.

He had given up a lot to follow this teacher and he had stood by and watched as the teacher called others to follow him — including this tax collector.

Like the tax collector, he made the connection.

He knew exactly what the teacher was saying. As he looked at the tax collector and saw his past and knew how much the teacher loved and cherished him.
Continue reading A change of heart (part 2)

A change of heart

Garden of Gethsemane | Photo by Stewart Cutler

It’s a hot afternoon in Jerusalem.

A group of men are sitting under a shade tree listening to their friend and teacher share his teachings.

The teacher’s quite fond of telling stories and today isn’t any different.

Growing up around Jerusalem they’re each familiar with farmers and shepherds and so the teachers asks, “If someone has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders off, doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine and go after the one? And if he finds it, doesn’t he make far more over it than over the ninety-nine who stay put? Your Father in heaven feels the same way. He doesn’t want to lose even one of these simple believers.”

A pretty powerful picture for a group of men who had grown up with perhaps a slightly different take on farming.

After giving them a second to think on the story, the teacher continues, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.”

The men smile at each other and nod in agreement.
Continue reading A change of heart

For the love of hamburgers

Angry Dog Hamburger | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

One of my mentors, Charles Diffee, shared a story with me a story about the work they’re doing with African refugees at their campground in Kaufman, Texas.

The campers come from a variety of countries in Africa and most have grown up in the Muslim faith, never hearing the story of Jesus and his love for the world.

On the first hour, of the first day, of their first refugee camp, one of the campers dove into the above ground pool and ended up diving right into one of the other campers, knocking out one of his teeth.

Charles and the staff went into action and called his dentist right away.

The dentist told them to find the tooth, put it back in the missing spot and bring the camper to his office.

At the office, the dentist told them they did the right thing and told them to return in a few months for a followup.

While they were away, the camp staff talked with the other camper who had been involved in the accident and suggested he take the other camper under his wing and show him some extra care and love during the week of camp. The relationship continued even beyond the week of camp.

A few months after the camp, the young camper was heard telling his new friend that he had become a Christian. The friend was amazed and asked him why.

He told him, “Those people at the camp showed me love like no one else had. They took care of my tooth, took me to the dentist, bought me a hamburger and then let me come back to camp! I had to become a Christian after that!”

In addition to the immediate change in faith, the camper’s principal told a member of the camp staff later that year that he was amazed at the changes he had seen in the boy’s life.

During the previous school year the camper had been a trouble maker but after attending the camp and dedicating his life to following Jesus, the boy made many positive changes in his life and was now an exemplary student.

A life changed because someone took the time to show someone in need a little extra care, love and grace.

May we all look for these opportunities in our own lives.

Shaun Groves – Third World Symphony (my first listen)

My first memory of Shaun Groves was receiving a demo version of his album Invitation to Eavesdrop (circa 2000). I don’t recall if it was for a project we were doing with Lighthouse 21 or for Powerline 89.9… but I do recall us giving a number of the tracks a fairly good rotation during our Saturday night radio program in Waco.

It was a great album to introduce us all to Shaun.

A few years later (2003/2004?) he gave a concert at UMHB and I remember thinking afterwards as he took the time to talk with those in attendance, that he wasn’t like most of the “christian artists” I had worked with over the previous few years at UMHB.

Fast forward a few years, and his record company was gone and Shaun was left without a recording contract.

But it wasn’t long before he found a new voice through his blog (which I discovered through Kevin Hendrick’s recommendation). And then after months (if not years :-)) of trying, we finally connected earlier this year and I was able to interview him and share his story on our podcast.

As part of the interview, Shaun told us about his latest project – Third World Symphony – an album that was crowd-sourced through Kickstarter.

Fast forward to today and now the album is complete and the countdown has begun until it officially releases August 30.

(You can pre-order the album now on Shaun’s website for only $10!)

But Shaun, being as gracious as he is, has published the final mastered versions of the album online so we can all wet our whistle and get a first listen.

And so… I’ve listened. And I really enjoyed it.
Continue reading Shaun Groves – Third World Symphony (my first listen)

The power of grace and forgiveness

Rwanda - POTSC

This is the power of grace and forgiveness.

Emmanuel was part of the Rwandan Genocide. This is his powerful second chance story told in his own words. He takes us through these real life events filmed on location in Rwanda.

Via People of the Second Chance

Extreme Makeover – Strip Club edition

Porcelain Dolls - Loved

A number of my friends with Porcelain Dolls in Waco recently spent 12 hours making over the dressing room of a local strip club.

They did it entirely on a volunteer basis and if I’m not mistaken all the paint was donated as well.
Continue reading Extreme Makeover – Strip Club edition