Destroying the Warehouse Mentality

Catch all drawer
Clutter drawer | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

I shared this on We Live Simply earlier this week and wanted to be sure I shared it here as well for those of you who may not read both sites.

I think it’s time to let the cat out of the bag and help push my motivation forward towards finishing my new book.

While writing posts for We Live Simply, I’ve also slowly been working on my next book, Destroying the Warehouse Mentality: Stop hoarding and declutter your life.

While I wrote my last book (a novel) in a month, this one is taking a bit longer to come together.

So I’m hoping that by putting this information out there, it will give me an even greater incentive to see it through.

But I’ve set a goal for its completion and hope to have it ready for publication by early Fall (hopefully before the twins arrive!).

So far I plan on tackling these areas of clutter:

  1. Buying into a $154 billion industry
  2. Decluttering your home
  3. Decluttering your office
  4. Decluttering your digital life
  5. Decluttering your time

But I’m definitely open to ideas and input — especially from those of you who have struggled with your own clutter, or the clutter of someone else.

I’m also interested in hearing some of your stories on how you’ve dealt with clutter as well.

If you’d like to share your story or offer input on the book, feel free to leave me a comment or e-mail me at editor @

redemption stories – FREE e-book

redemption stories e-book

over at the podcast, we’ve just released a FREE e-book, redemption stories.

(I say “we” but Stewart did most of the hard work in bringing it all together and doing the layout.)

The e-book includes stories, pictures and verse, but all of them tell a story — a redemption story.

We received great input from Adele Sakler, Ben & Joy Thomas, Laura Bridge, Jason Duke, Adam Howie, Christine McIntosh, Trent Yaconelli, Emma Boyd, Angus S. Mathie, Paula Spur, Avril Cutler, Emma Boyd and Rob Griggs-Taylor.

Every submission was wonderful but these few paragraphs from Ben Thomas really grab me…

John Wesley said, “catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn”. This reminds me of Jim and Patty. Ten years ago, their neighbors wanted their boat. Today, they are a inspiration to hundreds of others in our community of what God can do when you allow Him unrestricted access to your life and resources. Our lives may become less predictable, but as our desires slowly start melting away and blending into God’s desires, our hearts become oddly comforted by the uncomfortable.

I think being a fixer means being okay with these messy, imperfect situations. Doctors mustn’t be squeamish, mechanics mustn’t be afraid to get oil on their pants. Being fixers with Jesus means we’ll encounter questions we can’t fully answer and pain that can’t be explained away by pat answers and bumper stickers. Often, the fix is simply our presence, reassuring the broken world around us that “no, God has not forgotten about you”.

Its hard-wired in us all to fix something. If you want a neat and tidy situation to fix, you should probably stick to fixing up your kitchen. If you’re up for something a bit more adventurous and long lasting, consider following this Jesus character, who invites us into a Fixers’ Collective called the Kingdom of God, where we’re invited to enter into the broken mess and tell a story about a God who loves the unloveable, reassuring them that “it’s okay” because “you’ll get better soon”.

I hope you’ll take some time to download the book, read it, chew on it and then share it with friends.

Thanks again to everyone who took part!

Free copy of St. Peter’s Brewery

Still waiting to get a copy of St. Peter’s Brewery? Not sure you want to fork over $15 for a hard copy? Understood!

Since it’s my birthday today — and it’s far better to give than to receive — I’m sending out a PDF copy of the book to all the subscribers of my e-mail newsletter (The Insurgency of Love)!

Of course, once you read the book in PDF format, I’m sure you’ll want to buy your own hard copy, as well as copies for all your friends… 🙂

But until then, simply sign up for my e-mail newsletter and you’ll get a copy of the book e-mailed to you first thing tomorrow morning.

It’s as easy as that!

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy both the book and the newsletter.

What is the Insurgency of Love?

The Insurgency of Love is a monthly (sometimes twice monthly) e-mail newsletter hoping to
A.) Give real examples and ideas of how we can all be Insurgents of Love (i.e. your stories!)
B.) Give some added insight/updates into some of the projects I’m involved in.

Subscribe now.