We have a winner from Monday’s post…

The first comment on Monday’s post was Sabrina.
Congrats! I’ll be sending you a copy of my novel, St. Peter’s Brewery, ASAP.
Thanks for all the great suggestions guys (and gals) they were a huge help!
We have a winner from Monday’s post…
The first comment on Monday’s post was Sabrina.
Congrats! I’ll be sending you a copy of my novel, St. Peter’s Brewery, ASAP.
Thanks for all the great suggestions guys (and gals) they were a huge help!
Thanks to everyone who entered the contest to win a collection of Charlie Hall CDs.
I appreciate everyone who took part and blogged about it.
Using a random integer generator, the four 2nd place winners are….
And the winner of the Charlie Hall CD Pack…
Josh Estes
And in case you’re wondering… of all the comments, only one of you preferred Crowder’s facial hair over Charlie Hall’s.
For the winners, drop me an email with your mailing address and I’ll be sure the prizes are sent out ASAP.
Congrats again to the winners and thanks to everyone who entered!