Shift happens

I noticed an interesting shift on the bus today.
As I sat down, with my laptop in it’s bag at my feet, my new Blackberry in my hand and my Zune in my pocket playing a new podcast an older gentleman sat down next to me.
Didn’t look close enough, but I’d say he was in his mid to late 50s.
I’m wearing dockers and a button down green shirt. I think I was told I should wear a tie to work everyday but I’ve tried to push that idea(l) further and further away from reality.
He was wearing a dark suit, white shirt and tie. He sat down and pulled out the Sports section of the Dallas Morning News.
He read the paper on our route downtown, reading each story of interest. Going from page to page.
I on the other hand listened to a podcast about GAP and GAP Baby using kids working in sweatshops to make their clothes and scanned the “headlines” of the day via my RSS reader.
As I put all my gadgets away before arriving at the bus stop I thought to myself, “I feel pretty wired and connected… but to whom?”
As he gets off the bus I imagine he’ll simply fold the newspaper and stick it under his arm or toss it in the trash on the way into his office.
Shift happens.