re: Church Basement Roadshow

Jim Palmer has a good review of the Church Basement Roadshow in the latest edition of Next-Wave.

From Jim’s article:

Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt, and Mark Scandrette led the event, which combined an “old time gospel revival” setting with a different kind of message that invited people to imagine a Christianity that was more anchored in the life and message of Jesus.

From what i heard and saw last night, a person who may be drawn to this expression of Christianity would be a person who:

  • feels like they don’t fit or benefit by the “traditional/cultural” forms, practices, and expressions of Christianity, and have an aversion to the “one size fits all” mindset.
  • can’t relate to a mental/heady Christianity but are prone to the idea of a new way of life based on the values of Jesus.
  • doesn’t thrive in the typical systems and infrastructures of organized church.
  • feels marginalized in the typical Christian class system of professionals (pastors, church staff) and amateurs (”lay” people), and desire to be empowered.
  • desires relationships of love and acceptance, where hard questions can be asked and explored without fear of rejection.
  • thrives in the freedom of creative expression, and imagines Jesus more as a revolutionary who lives on the street in solidarity with marginal peoples, as opposed to a politician wielding power from an air-conditioned high-rise office.

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Church Basement Roadshow
SSL :: soul graffiti – experiments in truth
SSL :: church basement roadshow (video of the event)

Soul Graffiti :: Experiments in Truth

Just listened to this story again via the Church Basement Roadshow. It’s a great reminder of those we’re called to serve and love.

Take some time to read it, or enjoy Mark’s reading of it via the Church Basement Roadshow.

Love those who least expect it and love those who least deserve it.

Chapter Four: Experiments in Truth

By Mark Scandrette

It is bittersweet to recall the first few years that our family lived in San Francisco. We had moved to the city with a dream: to form a community of people who would take Jesus seriously as the teacher and revolutionary he intended to be. Our new neighbors and acquaintances were quick to point out that people who called themselves “Christians” were responsible for the inquisitions, religious wars, and homophobia—not to mention the historic use of scripture to justify slavery, the massacre of native peoples, aggressive foreign policy, and the destruction of the Earth’s resources. I had to agree that there was tremendous dissonance between the dominant reputation of Christianity and the life of Christ and the early church. We desperately wanted to be people who embodied the revolution of the kingdom of love—offering an apologetic for the authenticity of the Way of Jesus as an alternative to mainstream Christianity.
Continue reading Soul Graffiti :: Experiments in Truth

Church Basement Roadshow

For those of you who missed it (or want to see it again – like myself) – video of the Church Basement Roadshow is now available online.

The video comes from the Church Basement Roadshow stop at Disciples Fellowship in Birmingham, Alabama.

Church Basement Roadshow from Steve Knight on Vimeo.

HT :: Emergent Village

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church basement roadshow
emergent village