They aren’t babies anymore

My boys – Photo by Laurie Blundell

A few weeks back I promised I would write a post about my boys turning two.

Yeah… about that…

I’ve sat down a few times now to try and write about the continuing Adventures in Fatherhood as we enter our boys third year of life. So many thoughts swirl through my head that finding a place to begin is rather tough.
Continue reading They aren’t babies anymore

New photos 9/23/12

I’m realizing it’s been a while since I’ve done any regular photography (outside of snapshots with my iPhone) so I want to work at getting to refresh my memory and my new camera better — so I’m going to try and take a photo a day for the rest of the year – trying new tricks each day.

Today I played with the aperture and ISO a bit and grabbed a few shots of Laurie and the boys while they watched TV.

The only alterations were size and removing the red eye from Hayden’s photo.

New photos (9/22/12)

I’ve been debating on whether or not to keep my Flickr Pro account. I’ve always liked Flickr, but $25 a year just seems a bit much for what I’m getting out of it.

So, for the time being, I’ve let my Flickr Pro account expire.

In the meantime, here are some photos I’ve snapped recently of our boys and a couple sites around Dallas today (Laurie actually snapped some of the Dallas ones while I was driving).
Continue reading New photos (9/22/12)


Today is Five-Minute Friday, in which The Gypsy Mama gives a writing prompt and bloggers write for the love of writing for five minutes. Then hit publish. Just write. Today’s prompt is “tender.”

“STOP!” I yelled across the room.

IDiddy just looked at me and smiled.

He knew exactly what he was doing.
Continue reading Tender