Fun with Google Analytics

Sometimes its great to just sit back, pull up Google Analytics and see just what’s bringing people to this site.

Apparently its NOT talking about emerging Christianity. My site visits have dropped each day since I started trying to explain it on Monday morning. Oh well.

So far this week these have been the top keywords/phrases used to bring people to
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Random web stats for the day

I always have fun with web stats. Google Analytics is probably my favorite stats tracker. We have AWstats on our server – but it doesn’t do near as good of a job tracking WordPress posts.

But for those of you who are interested… here’s our the top posts/pages that were viewed from July 6 – July 11 (for the entire domain).

Justin Farmer to leave WFAA (written Jan 8, 2008)
Newt Gingrich on InTouch (written July 9, 2008)
Ellis County churches (and beyond) (written March 12, 2006 – updated since)
SSL links

275 of the visits came from the United States with 148 visits coming from Texas and 42 of those coming from Irving and 6 coming from Sulphur Springs.

58% of you use Internet Explorer (booo!) and 33% of you use Firefox (yeah!).

Only 10 of the visits were from dial-up or slower connections (possibly cellphone use).

There were a couple unique keywords used to find our domain through search engines… including cynthia izzzzzaaaaaguuuuuuuiiiiiiireeeeeeeeee and enormous butt (which brought 6 visitors apparently to a picture by brandi).

So there you have it. Random stats for the day. Hope you enjoyed it.
Now I think I’ll go check out the stats for encounter.