Amos is home

Aaron Ivey Family
Aaron Ivey Family | Via

Some of you may recall the story of Amos and Aaron and Jamie Ivey last year.

Aaron and Jamie were in the process of adopting Amos from Haiti when last year’s horrific earthquake hit.

It was a trying week or so, but the family was finally re-united and able to bring Amos home for good only a “short” time after the earthquake.

Just five days after the earthquake, the video to Amos’ song was released…

And now a short (5 minute) documentary about the family being reunited has also been released and is available for downloading and viewing with your friends, family and faith community.

It’s a beautiful story and a beautiful companion video as well.

Check it out, share it with your friends and consider how God might be calling you to make a difference in the life of an orphan somewhere in the world.

(HT @chrisballman for the link)

Re: What to do with the homeless

Just an added verse reminder that I thought fit…

I can’t stand your religious meetings.
I’m fed up with your conferences and conventions.
I want nothing to do with your religion projects, your pretentious slogans and goals.
I’m sick of your fund-raising schemes, your public relations and image making.
I’ve had all I can take of your noisy ego-music.
When was the last time you sang to me?
Do you know what I want?
I want justice — oceans of it.
I want fairness — rivers of it.
That’s what I want. That’s all I want.
Amos 5:21-24 (The Message)