Got out of the habit of tracking my calorie intake the last couple months. I can keep a steady weight without tracking (usually) but I have very little luck losing if I don’t track. #50lbsByDec
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Got out of the habit of tracking my calorie intake the last couple months. I can keep a steady weight without tracking (usually) but I have very little luck losing if I don’t track. #50lbsByDec
Published via Pressgram
I’ll have to take photos later when I have some “free” time (time is a pretty valuable commodity in my life right now so calling it free seems silly) but this morning I weighed in at 210.2.
That’s the lowest point I’ve been in a year and .2 lbs away from my halfway point of 50 pound weight loss.
Overall September was a really poor month for weight loss. I felt like I started strong but it wasn’t long until the workouts started getting further and further apart.
By the time things quieted down in the house and everyone was asleep I found it really hard to stay motivated to work out – and often crashed in a chair with Little Miss in my arms or nearby.
But regardless, I can definitely say the DDP Yoga is making a difference. I can do a number of things I was unable to do a month or two months ago and a lot closer to doing other things.
I shared my DVDs with my dad and he asked how would you measure improvements in strength without using weights and I can say for sure that you’ll see improvements in your strength just by witnessing what you can do overtime.
Three months ago a standard push-up was out of the question. Apparently I’ve been doing push-ups wrong most of my life by spreading my arms and hands way to far to the sides.
Last week, much to my amazement, I managed to pull off two ten-count push-ups – something I collapsed under a month ago.
In fact, I struggled with a 3-count push-up when I first began.
A 10-count push-up is essentially lowering, holding and then lifting back up with a 10-count for each one.
Now granted, none of this is the fast overnights success you might get from pushing yourself to pure exhaustion like some of my peeps do with CrossFit – but it’s progress and I enjoy it.
So here’s to the 2nd half of #50lbsByDec and finding my (and your) motivation.
As I mentioned the other day, I’ve come to the end of my 2nd month of my #50lbsByDec challenge.
I’m at 215.2 for a total weight loss of 19.8 pounds.
But in my mind, the proof is in the pictures. It doesn’t look like lots but I while trying to match the sizes on the photos – there was a definite difference between June and today.
Seeing the photo difference and the fact that and I’m now back to using the last notch on my belt helps me see it’s all working.
See for yourself.
Planned on getting my DDP Yoga in around 8:30 but my boys not sleeping and emergency client work changed that.
Didn’t end up starting until 11:15 but knocked it out either way. No quit Wednesday eh?
Trying to get in at least 4 nights a week now – instead of 2 or 3.
And after doing the Red Hot Core two nights in a row and being up since 4:30 I really wanted to make excuses and head to bed. But then I wouldn’t be able to brag about it here if I had.
As of Monday I was at 217 pounds. That’s 18 pounds lost, with 32 pounds to go and a little more than 4 months to do it in.
I’m right on track and not looking back.
Copied my DDP Yoga DVDs to Mp4…
Should make using them a lot easier now that I’m not tied to a DVD player.
I’m also uploading them to Google Drive since I have a lot more storage space there than on either of my iOS devices. Rumor has it, Google Drive will stream without too many issues so I’ll be able to watch them anywhere I have a net connection.
Also wondering how this will work with Chromecast… mine should be arriving in a couple days.
Well I’m a little more than one month in to my #50lbsByDec challenge.
I officially started the challenge June 24 and as of today, Aug. 1, I’m down 13.4 lbs.
My big changes have been doing DDP Yoga 2-3 times a week along with counting calories again via MyFitnessPal — which essentially comes down to being aware of what I’m eating.
I find it’s super easy to mindlessly open the pantry and grab a handful of the first thing you see (which is typically some sort of chip or cracker in our house). Before you know it you’ve eaten two or three handfuls – or 3 or 4 servings at 120+ calories a pop.
But the more mindful I am at tracking my intake (especially before I actually eat it) the more likely I am to reduce the crap.
The more I focus on eating the good stuff – veggies, complex carbs, low-fat meat (if any) – the less desirable the crap food becomes.
I’m working towards eating even less meat when possible, eliminating simple carbs and cutting back on dairy as well (I’ve found Silk soy milk to be an awesome substitute).
I’m trying not be legalistic about it – but remain flexible when needed and more importantly – more aware of what I’m eating.
It’s a work in progress, but it’s definitely doable.
Here are a few photos showing my progress so far: