Switchfoot does it right

From the Christianpost:

Switchfoot, as part of their ongoing Oh! Gravity Tour, has been recording and selling live bootlegs after every concert.
They have encouraged fans to share and trade their bootleg CDs online with other fans, which has led to a new website at www.switchfootbootlegs.com.
The band was excited to see the new site and is happily surprised by the devotion of their fans.
“Within just a few hours, you all created a new website … that continues to grow everyday, and is completely run by you guys. We think it’s pretty fantastic,” explained the band in a recent newsletter.
For every performance of their tour, the band has been recording and manufacturing the live concerts. They would sell around 100 bootlegs per night as a way to give something more personal to their fans.
Devotees have shown interest, buying up all the CDs at every event.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

One thought on “Switchfoot does it right”

  1. speaking of switchfoot..I think you’ve enjoyed my CD about 10X longer than I’ve even had it!! Just kidding–

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