Still looking…


Well, I feel like a slacker, but I’m still looking for a new church home after I resigned in late May from my position on IBC staff.

I visited Taylor’s Valley Baptist today. I enjoyed it. It was a nice service with a mix of hymns and newer praise songs. And they still had an organ. Props to them.

Bill Muske filled in this morning and did a great job preaching on prayer.

I hear their singles group is pretty good. And its mainly led by the singles (go figure – a Sunday School class led by the members in the class – wait am I being cynical). So maybe I’ll try and make it to Sunday School there after we get back from North Carolina, or I might try and go to their weekly Bible study tomorrow night.
We’ll see how work goes tomorrow.

Well, back to napping or reading the Morning News or whatever I was doin before I fell asleep.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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