Where is it that you find grace?
Where is it that you find sanctuary?
Do you have a safe place where you can unwind? Ask questions? Express doubt?
If so, what does that space look like for you?
From St. Peter’s Brewery:
As the last of the crowds dispersed, Pete sent his part-time help home for the evening and finally made his way over to Jimmy to say hello.
“Pete! I want you to meet my friend Eddie. He works over at the post office with me,” Jimmy said as Pete approached.
“Good to meet you Eddie,” Pete said with an out stretched hand. “Hope you’ve been taken good care of tonight.”
“We’ve had a good time,” Eddie responded. “I imagine I’ll be back.”
“Eddie’s lived in this town his entire life and never once stepped foot in this building since you bought it and now he’s ready to become a regular customer,” Jimmy laughed. “I guess you’re doing something right around here.”
“Yeah, he’s right,” Eddie added. “I guess I felt better about enjoying a beer at home. Didn’t want God to find out I was sneaking around and drinking in his house.”
“Well, you know, rumor has it that Jesus made some of the finest wine in the land,” Pete said, surprising both Jimmy and Eddie. “And most historians will tell you that Martin Luther and other theologians usually discussed the roots of their theology over a good beer.”
It was starting to become obvious that Pete had a passion for his pub and combining theology with good beer.
“In fact, it was Catholic monks who invented beer in the first place,” Pete continued. “So I figured I was in good company if I was going to get in the beer making business.”
As Jimmy and Pete continued talking, Eddie stood from his stool and began to walk around the room. He hadn’t noticed earlier but Pete had framed quotes from theologians and others on the qualities of good faith and good beer throughout the large room.
One quote near the front door caught his eye.
“’Whenever the devil pesters you, at once seek out the company of friends, drink more, joke and jest, or engage in some form of merriment.’ – Martin Luther”
“Boy ain’t that the truth,” Eddie said as he pointed to the quote.
“Yeah, that’s one of my favorite quotes too,” Pete replied.
Eddie continued walking around the room, reading various quotes.
As he read the other quotes around the room, Pete continued, “Part of the reason I started this place where I did was because for years I’ve had a passion for brewing beer and one of my favorite songs we sang in the church I grew up in was ‘Just as I Am.’ As I got older, I started feeling like several churches I visited were singing that song, but never really meaning it. Yet I could walk into a bar or a brewery and feel safe, welcomed, loved, accepted. They might not have known me from Adam, but they accepted me just as I was. It was as if when Nirvana sang ‘Come as You Are’ they actually meant it, but the folks in the church didn’t really love and accept everyone just as they were. Figured there had to be a way to combine those ideas — so when this property became available I saw a vision of all those ideas merging together. I’m hoping this place finally becomes a real sanctuary for all.”
If you’re interested in reading the rest of St. Peter’s Brewery, I’m giving away a FREE PDF copy of the full book to anyone who donates to my charity:water campaign between now and Aug. 31, 2010. Simply make a donation of any size and I’ll e-mail you a copy of the book.
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