I can’t tell you how cool it was to finally see my book show up on Amazon.
It was a really good feeling!
But then I got word that people were starting to receive my book from earlier orders and were also finding a few mistakes in the book.
It was like losing all the wind in your sails. I told Laurie it felt like I was a balloon full of air and someone just untied me and all the air was just pouring out.
Kinda like this…
Or maybe more like this poor whoopee cushion…
Part of me really wanted to just give up and say, “Screw it.” Can’t even get this right but another part of me said – we’ll now I’ve really got to publish another book because I don’t want to be known as the guy with mistakes in his only published book.
So I write on. I blog on. I try to perfect the craft. And try not to get too frustrated when I look at the cover of my first novel now. I get back on the horse and keep riding.
What about you? When have you lost all the wind in your sails? How did you respond?
Well if it helps, I find mistakes in books all the time. It’s impossible to make it perfect. I’m sure your message will come across and that’s what’s most important!
Thanks for the support! I hope the message does get across – despite the errors on the story teller’s part ;-).
Thanks again!
Thanks for the support! I hope the message does get across – despite the errors on the story teller’s part ;-).
Thanks again!
Well if it helps, I find mistakes in books all the time. It’s impossible to make it perfect. I’m sure your message will come across and that’s what’s most important!
Well if it helps, I find mistakes in books all the time. It’s impossible to make it perfect. I’m sure your message will come across and that’s what’s most important!
Thanks for the support! I hope the message does get across – despite the errors on the story teller’s part ;-).
Thanks again!