Re: Senate votes

The discussion continues regarding immigration and the Christian response. From e-mail this week:

That old saying is great and it is from the Bible and I believe it. However, it is sentiment like that that gives us votes like the ones referenced. What is happening in the border states, including Texas, to the crime rate, the cost of medical care, education etc. whatever services illegal immigrants use? I know what is happening to the jobs up here and we aren’t a border state. I know what is happening to health care. Why should an illegal allien get better health care than I do, even though they can’t pay for it many times and I’m paying for health insurance. What has happened in the past to countries that have tried to exhist with more than one language? I don’t mind helping my ‘neighbor’. If they want to come into this country get in line and come here legally, then assimilate into our society and leave yours behind. Wake up America before it is too late and we look more like Mexico than the U.S.A .

I have to ask – where is my allegiance? God or a flag? I have a problem when other people get better deals than I do. But I think that’s an issue of my selfishness and not Godliness.
I think the same benefits should be offered to all Americans, illegal or not.
I have trouble seeing how people can pull the “America is (was) a Christian country founded on Judea-Christian beliefs” card when the same people don’t show God’s love to their neighbor?
Sure they’ll cast judgment at sinners when they’re doing something they don’t like (imagine that – sinners sinning) but I want to be known for showing the world what I believe in not yelling about what I’m against.
I don’t think Jesus said, “As long as your neighbor doesn’t get a better deal than you, give him your coat.” When I read about the good Samaritan I don’t think the Samaritan thought, “You know this guy will get a better bed to sleep in tonight.”

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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