Re: Minimum Wage

Here are some other thoughts on minimum wage…
I’ve noticed the last few times that I’ve gone to What-a-burger that the price of all their burgers and meals has gone up.
You can’t even by their basic burger meal for less than the minimum hourly wage.
I would guess that a large percentage of the folks working there make minimum wage – I haven’t verified that, I’m just guessing.
So if they have 20 workers making $5.15 and hour and suddenly have to jump to $7.25 per hour, what does that do to the cost of my burger?
I can tell you one thing, unless I’m getting a similar substantial raise, it will be a lot easier for me to curb my appetite for a double meat cheese burger with jalapeanos.
Am I right with my math in thinking that’s a 40 percent raise? I was never good at math, but that’s what I’m coming up with. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
I’d love a 40 percent raise myself, but I don’t exactly see that happening. And even with six years of college* under my belt its really gonna hurt me if prices on everything jump higher to pay for the raise increase.
What do you think?

*Full disclosure: I went to school six years, but still only got a Bachelor’s degree. Unlike my sisters Amy, who did it in four and Kara, who will have her Bachelor’s and Masters in five. Nerds. 😉

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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