Re: Indigent Health Care

According to county statements of expenses, Ellis County Indigent Health Care is not yet breaking the bank.
In 2005, the county budgeted $1.35 million for medical, hospital and prescriptions costs for the county’s indigent patients.
After budget adjustments of $526, the county had $779,297.84 left over at the end of the fiscal year.
In FY 2004, the county budgeted $1.35 million as well, but removed $546,550 from indigent health care to adjust other budgets.
After $546,549.12 in medical, hospital and prescription bills, the county was left with 88 cents for indigent health care at the end of the fiscal year.
In FY 2003, the county made no adjustments to the $1.35 million budget and spent $782,146.69 on health care, leaving $567,853.31 at year’s end.
Finally, in FY 2002, the year before County Judge Chad Adams took office, the county budgeted $1.2 million for indigent health care and adjusted the medical budget from $300,000 to $60,000.
After the $240,000 adjustment and bills, the county was left with $4,777.58 at year’s end.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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