Finished Not the Religious Type last week.
My friends are going to hate hearing the stuff that I too to heart from this book.
Stage 1,2,3,4…
Bounded sets and centered sets…
Living a life where we daily listen to God…
Great stuff!
If you’ve got time today, the author of Not the Religious Type Dave Schmelzer will be chatting online at about his book and views on religion both as a pastor and former atheist today, Oct. 29, from 2-3 p.m. EDT for anyone who wants to join in.
The chat will be held at More details are available in our news release at:
I also understand that the chat will be archived so folks like me who have to work during that time can check it out at a later point. And… I’m hoping to chat with David in the next week or so for an upcoming episode of the something beautiful podcast.
Check it out and let me know what you think!