Amy’s Song

By Switchfoot

Amy’s gone
And time rolls on
How far? how fast? how long?

The last time we saw Amy
She was headed for the shore
Fighting off the volatile gray skies

She said now begins forever
And that no one knows their time
We bid farewell not knowing
That might be our last good-bye

Amy was a fighter
She cut like Casius Clay
She burned like a fire
Despite these rains

Where time was a question
She only knew one song:
She’s singing, “how far, how fast, how

Salvation is a fire
In the midnight of the soul
It lights up like a can of gasoline

Yeah, she’s a freedom fighter
She’s a stand up kind of girl
She’s out to start a fire
In a bar code plastic world

Amy was a fighter
She cut like Casius Clay
She burned like a fire
Despite these rains

Where time was a question
She only knew one song:
She’s singing, “how far, how fast, how

When everything stops moving
And I stop to catch my breath
And ride my train of thought
All the way round

My thoughts return to Amy
And the fire she’s begun
She came when we were freezing
And left us burning up

Amy was a fighter
She cut like Casius Clay
She burned like a fire
Despite these rains

Where time was a question
She only knew one song:
She’s singing, “how far, how fast, how

For Amy

Powerline v. 2

So those of you who have kept up with my blog over the last week or so, know that I’m getting addicted to blogging as well as podcasts. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, too bad. Just kidding.
Podcasts are basically radio programs that can be set to download automatically to your computer and then loaded onto your iPod or Mp3 player.
And for those of you who really know me, know I dig radio and I really miss being on the radio. So naturally, I’m looking into this new phenomenon with great interest.
I’m exploring my options for creating a weekly music show featuring either Christian Indie bands and/or Texas Indie bands. Of course with either show, I’m sure I’ll have to do some wrestling updates, because I know how much all of you love wrestling.
But I’m wondering how much interest there is for either.
So leave me your thoughts. Either click on the comments button below or send me an email. Let me know what you’d like to hear.
And if you really want to be my friend, and would like to be a sponsor of the new Powerline, or Lighthouse 21 or whatever the final project becomes, be sure to let me know.
In the mean time, for those of you down with podcasts… check out this show… Spin 180.
God bless.

Bruce Almighty

Tomorrow I’ll be showing clips from Bruce Almighty in Sunday school.
For some reason my sister’s death has really hit me while talking to my mom late tonight and then watching clips from Bruce Almighty.
I don’t believe we can ever understand why God does what He does. But He does it no matter what. I want to be bitter and upset, but then I see how horrible people can become even when they have all they want.
I think Bruce Nolan realizes that throughout Bruce Almighty. He realizes that while it might be easy to give everything to everyone who asks, there’s a greater plan involved.
While he may want everything to go his way, God’s way is actually greater.
I have to believe that with my sister’s death. I want her back in my life so badly, yet I know I’ll never be able to see her again until I join her in Heaven.
It makes me want to sing along with the Los Lonely Boys singing “How far is Heaven?” even more.
But even more, several other songs come to mind that helped me through the week of my sister’s funeral.

Home Free – Wayne Watson
I’m trying hard not to think you unkind
But Heavenly Father If you know my heart
Surely you can read my mind
Good people underneath the sea of grief
Some get up and walk away
Some will find ultimate relief

Home Free, eventually
At the ultimate healing we will be
Home Free Home Free, oh I’ve got a feeling
At the ultimate healing
We will be Home Free

Out in the corridors we pray for life
A mother for her baby, A husband for his wife
Sometimes the good die young
It’s sad but true
And while we pray for one more heartbeat
The real comfort is with you

You know pain has little mercy
And suffering’s no respecter of age, of race or position
I know every prayer gets answered
But the hardest one to pray is slow to come
Oh Lord, not mine, but Your will be done

and also:

Beautiful Road – Wayne Watson
If I had my way, I must admit
If I called every play of the game
I’d pray for good times, blue ky and sunshine
And I’d avoid with a passion any pain
But with every blow from an engry wind

And with every dark shadow that falls
There’s a better view up around the bend
Where this puzzle makes some sense after all

Mistakes and misfortunes will come and go
For you to try and still fail is no disgrace
Sometimes a rough and rocky road
Is gonna take you to a beautiful place

Is there anyone out there looking back through you rfaith
That can deny that your Father knows what’s best
Oh but at the time and place for the life of you
You saw no reason, no good for the test
But now remembering as you watched His hand
Put the color to your black and white dreams
Maybe one more time past what you can see
Oh the trouble of the moment ain’t as bad as it seems

Sometimes the unspoiled beauty of the wisdom of God
Is lying there in the wilderness
Up there beyond the easy reach
Where the journey takes a little more,
just a little more faith I guess

Bruce Nolan says “Things happen for a reason” is cliche.
I sure hope its not cliche.
Paul writes, “That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” (Romans 8:29 MSG) or the NIV translates it as, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
If things happened by chance, it would make Amy’s life and death meaningless.
I hope, believe and know better.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

AIM Flakes Out Again

So I came into work today and went though my normal routine. Checked the local papers for any stories of interest, checked my inbox, turned on my computer, logged on to AOL IM, opened my e-mail and then noticed a friend was online.
I sent her a message and then bam. AOL punts me off and won’t let me back online. Apparently my account was suspended for some reason. I can’t even find a real person to talk to or give me an answer as to why.
I feel so lost knowing that my friends might be waiting online now and I can’t talk to them.
So, with my AIM down, I have to waste time and try and find a screen name I like. Something that suits me and something that’s hopefully temporary.
And I don’t mean to put myself over, but I had a really long buddy list that’s now just floating in cyberspace somewhere with my suspended account.
I’m getting a little upset.
But why the heck is that? Why is staying in touch with people through a cell phone, AIM or e-mail so important to me?
Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Now I really like all my friends and family, but there’s not many great and unsearchable things they can tell me.
Sure, they can tell me news that’s going on in their world. But is that really great and unsearchable.
Yet, I’m misserable when I can’t keep in constant contact with people and have them available at the click of a mouse or the push of a call button.
I have a direct line to God and I’m worried because I have to change screen names on AIM? Sounds like my priorities might be a little off.
I guess I can be thankful that God doesn’t suspend our accounts like AOL.
I’d have to change screen names every day if that was the case.
The annoyance of man becomes and example for God’s grace. How wonderful He is.
So for those of you who don’t hear from me on AIM for awhile, you know.
Drop me an e-mail and maybe I’ll send you my new screen name.

All Thumbs

With postings like this: “All Thumbs,” who needs my comments or thoughts.
I’ve been in a number of conversations lately that have discussed the rules/value and who’s who of Christian music.
What makes music Christian. If you compare a love song by Bryan Adams to “In the Secret” by Sonicflood, aren’t they basically the same song? But we know one as a secular love song to a girlfriend or a wife and the other as a cry to God, simply because of where we heard it. Had we heard “In the Secret” on a secular radio station, we would likely consider it a secular song.
Think about the song, “Every Breath you Take” by the Police. People have considered it a love song for years.
Personally I think its a stalker song.

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you

O can’t you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches with every step you take

Depending on how you view it, I suppose it could be a romantic love song, or a song about a stalker singing to his prey.
In reality, Sting wrote the song about an oppressive government that watched and censored everything it’s citizens did.
So if music can be viewed in numerous ways, what about design in general?
What makes a design Christian or not?
When I send a flyer or postcard to my singles group, what determines if the design is Christian or not?
I remember last year after the Janet Jackson Superbowl fiasco I designed a flyer that had a picture of a sleeveless girl on it.
My church staff wasn’t super happy with the idea because of the previous week’s fiasco. But was it because the design was un-Christian or was it because it suggested things that might not be Christ-like.
Isn’t the human body a thing of beauty, created by the All Mighty Creator?
When Michelangelo sculpted his statue of David was his thought, “I want to make this a Christian sculpture, so I’ll sculpt a figure from the Old Testament” or did he think, “I want to make this as un-Christian as possible, so I’ll scuplt David in the nude?”
Does it matter?
Is there really a difference between a Christian design and a non-Christian design?
When I look at the marketing and design work that “secular” companies put out and then I look at the flyers I get from my church or other churches, I see a definate difference in the design quality but what about the elements?
Should we be concerned about the design elements itself or simply the message it conveys?