On a search for the Music Machine

While working at Brian and Heather’s yesterday somehow we got a couple Music Machine songs stuck in our head.

I think it started with, “Have patience, have patience. Don’t be in such a hurry. Remember, remember you’ll only start to worry. If you get impatient know you need patience too and think about the times when others have to wait on you.”

I’m a little foggy on the lyrics there in the middle but we had fun remembering the great albums of our childhood like the Music Machine, Music Machine II, Bullfrogs and Butterflies, Sir Oliver’s Song, Psalty and Charity the Churchmouse.

I did some searching and was able to find some cool info on Wikipedia about them and now I’m wondering if maybe I or my parents have those records around the house somewhere. I really want to get my hands on them if possible.

I would imagine they were tossed out at some point and now I’m going to have to pay a lot more to get them off eBay. But my search has now begun.

I also found that Psalty has actually kept up with the times and has his own webpage as well as a Myspace page.

UPDATE: Audio from the Music Machine gearing up (taken from our online radio station – orangenoiseradio.com) ::
Music Machine Bumber


Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

14 thoughts on “On a search for the Music Machine”

  1. PSALTY!!!!! HOW AWESOME IS HE!! I listened to these growing up and loved them! we wore the tape out we listened to it soo much.

  2. PSALTY!!!!! HOW AWESOME IS HE!! I listened to these growing up and loved them! we wore the tape out we listened to it soo much.

  3. “Have patience, have patience,
    Don’t be in such a hurry,
    When you get impatient,
    You only start to worry.
    Remember, remember, that God is patient, too,
    And think of all the times when others have to wait on you.”

    You almost had it all–good job! Obviously, I heard these a time or two. I loaned all of our tapes to a friend and we’re not sure where they are now. I love the fact that you and Laurie both grew up on them–there’s great theology and life lessons in those fun songs!

    1. My husband and I have a bet about the lyrics where the music machine is sputtering and making sounds. How does it do exactly,

      Is it…Whirl Whirl chicka chicka bong bong?

      1. Dees5daughters

        You got my wife and I discussing this too now.

        We actually run a bumper on our online radio station that uses the music machine starting up.

        The words themselves are fairly indistinguishable but it sounds like


        I’ll add an update to the blog post with the audio file attached. Thanks for your comment!

  4. I just order the MUSIC MACHINE CD from amazon, No – you don’t need to spend a lot. I have 3 grand kids and the patience song just keeps coming back into my head from when my own kids were little What a great thing to pass on to the next generation.

  5. I just order the MUSIC MACHINE CD from amazon, No – you don’t need to spend a lot. I have 3 grand kids and the patience song just keeps coming back into my head from when my own kids were little What a great thing to pass on to the next generation.

  6. Thank you so much all of you!

    My wife wanted to teach this song to the kids this weekend in church, and we could not remember the second half of the lyrics.

    Appreciate it! GOD BLESS!! 🙂

  7. Thank you so much all of you!

    My wife wanted to teach this song to the kids this weekend in church, and we could not remember the second half of the lyrics.

    Appreciate it! GOD BLESS!! 🙂

  8. “Have patience, have patience,
    Don't be in such a hurry,
    When you get impatient,
    You only start to worry.
    Remember, remember, that God is patient, too,
    And think of all the times when others have to wait on you.”

    You almost had it all–good job! Obviously, I heard these a time or two. I loaned all of our tapes to a friend and we're not sure where they are now. I love the fact that you and Laurie both grew up on them–there's great theology and life lessons in those fun songs!

    1. My husband and I have a bet about the lyrics where the music machine is sputtering and making sounds. How does it do exactly,

      Is it…Whirl Whirl chicka chicka bong bong?

      1. Dees5daughters

        You got my wife and I discussing this too now.

        We actually run a bumper on our online radio station that uses the music machine starting up.

        The words themselves are fairly indistinguishable but it sounds like


        I’ll add an update to the blog post with the audio file attached. Thanks for your comment!

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