New stock photo company

From the e-mail files:

LuckyOliver Stock Photo Web Site Offers Initial Photographers 60% RoyaltiesJune 26, 2006–Campbell, California–New micropayment stock photography company LuckyOliver ( is calling all amateur photographers, photography enthusiasts and photography professionals. LuckyOliver is currently in the process of accepting photo submissions and is offering a 60% royalty on the first 30,000 exclusive-rights images accepted. Photographers interested in learning more about LuckyOliver or submitting photos for consideration should visit
Especially for Photography Hobbyists and Enthusiasts
“I’ve taken photographs for as long as I can remember–I must have thousands, if not tens of thousands sitting on hard drives or CDs,” said Bryan Zmijewski, founder and chief instigator at LuckyOliver. “I had the feeling that other people had these too–really cool images that would never see the light of day. And that’s where the idea for LuckyOliver was born. LuckyOliver adds an incentive, in the form of monetary royalties, to help get high-quality images out of dusty hard drive storage and into the hands of designers and artists who can use them.”
Higher Royalties on the First 30K Images Accepted
LuckyOliver is offering a 60% royalty to photographers whose exclusive-rights photos are accepted–up until the LuckyOliver image library reaches 30,000 images. “We understand the need to quickly get to a tipping point of high-quality imagery…and what better way to get to that point than to bribe our photographers?” joked Bryan.
“It’s Perfect for Getting My Photos Out There”
Both professional photographers and photography hobbyists are excited about LuckyOliver. “I found LuckyOliver after looking for just this type of web site for years,” said San Diego-based Matt Gowe, a self-described digital and film photographer. “I’ve tried several different sites in the past and even have my own web site, but advertising costs are so high that it’s prohibitive.”
“LuckyOliver is perfect for getting my photos out there and for sale without having to break the bank.” Matt continued, “The LuckyOliver staff has been outstanding with their feedback and help–and I’m really happy with the advice I’m getting about my photography style and with how many of my photos have been accepted on the site.”
About LuckyOliver
Founded in 2005, LuckyOliver, a product of MegaGlobal Image Syndicate, Inc., provides amateur and professional photographers and graphic designers a community-based outlet in which to sell and purchase photographs. LuckyOliver is committed to furthering photography education and making high-quality photos available to the public at a reasonable cost. Visit for more information or to submit photos.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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