New blog on church technology has a new blog on church technology.
I believe the site “opened” today.
One of the first posts on the blog discusses the ways txt messaging from cell phones is changing relationships and possibly the church.

Over dinner one night, I’m talking with Dave Browning, who pastors Christ the King Community Church. He described the difference in technology use in Africa, where getting internet access is rather challenging, but everyone has a cell phone. So we explored how he might use text messaging as a means to communicate and equip his multi-site church leaders in Africa from where he is in Burlington, Washington. (I’ll tell you more about a back door way to do this in a future post.)
Then over a breakfast conversation, I’m talking with 2 parents who are amazed at what their teenage children are doing with txting. One parent described how some txters are so proficient with their cell phone keypad entry that they can txt underneath the desk in class. Yes, a hi-tech way for passing notes in class. One other parent confessed that she was not a txter, and she gets pleas for help with errands from her son, but because she doesn’t know how to read txt msgs on her cell phone, one of her sons sends a text message to another son in another state, who then in turn calls Mom to relay the message by a cell phone call!

It will be interesting to see where this blog with a number of tech-savy contributors heads.
And speaking of txt messaging, how has it changed your relationships or church?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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