Well, we had a feeling it would come sooner or later, but we were all hoping for later.
It’s official, My Life — Laurie, is on bed rest.
The pregnancies been going well — I suppose as well as you can expect with twin boys.
She’s been having some contractions for a number of weeks now, but they started getting worse while she was at work last week.
She came home Wednesday evening, with instructions to “take it easy” and she stayed home the rest of the week.
She was waiting to hear back from the doctor yesterday when they decided it would be best for her to come in and check on a few things.
The doctor said everything still looks good with the boys (in fact Ian’s* no longer breached now) and everything’s moving along fine — but with the continuing contractions, the doctor’s now upgraded “take it easy” to “bed rest.”
So here’s where you (the reader) come in…
How can my wife keep herself from going stir crazy for the next 10-12 weeks on bed rest?
Got any good ideas?
And got any good ideas for me as well? Looks like I’ll be taking on a few more of the household chores over the next few months as well.
Let’s hear them in the comments below.
*Have I mentioned their names yet here? I know Laurie has on her blog, but I don’t remember that I’ve shared their names here on mine – Baby A is Hayden James and Baby B is Ian Christopher.
Praying for you guys! I guess keep the Netflix close by so she can watch any & everything when the desire pops up…maybe any fave magazines…friends stopping by…researching online about twin groups in your area…take up knitting?
For you Jonathan: I guess just take it one day at a time…one chore at a time. You might check out http://www.flylady.net for tips on routines, etc.
Thanks Jennifer!
We've been talking about Netflix but it's one of those added expenses we're not sure we want to commit to yet ;-). We may watch 2-3 movies a month, but this might be the time to put it to use for sure — especially the instant watch via download.
Thanks for the tips and the prayers!
Flylady is a great site/resource. Another tip; focus on cleaning one room each day. By the end of the week you'll have completed the task. Also close off the rooms you aren't using on a daily basis to cut down on the number of rooms you need to do regularly. When it comes to laundry wash only the clothes that you have enough to make a full load. You may only need to do 1 or 2 loads a night if even that.
Great pointers Linda (or is it Mike? :-)).
Luckily we're still only doing 2 or 3 loads of wash a week. I'm sure that will change soon!
I try to make a broad sweep of the house before heading to bed to put things where they go (http://www.welivesimply.info/living/simple-mani…) before heading to bed. Of course that doesn't always happen – but it sure helps the next day and makes things less chaotic the next morning.
But giving each room a good cleaning once a week is a great tip! Thanks again!
Time to learn how to knit or crochet. (Her, not you….well, you could if you wanted to…).
Pen and paper….when you've got the time, it's nice to send people snail-mail letters. Plus, you get mail to read in return.:)
And advice from a friend who was on bed rest (with twins, no less) Hide all the pregnancy books. They tend to list everything that could possibly go wrong and only cause more worry and stress.
We'll be praying for you.
Great ideas Abby!
Laurie says the pregnancy books don't bother her – she knows it all from being in the medical field and working at Children's Hospital for 7 years ;-). But she's been reading a lot about what makes twin pregnancies and twins in general different.
And BTW – congrats on your great news! Praying for your family as well!