I was thinking today, I’d just write a simple post and ask each of you to answer the question, “What are your fears?”
But I know what I’d be thinking if I was the reader… “Well why should I tell him anything? He hasn’t told me what his fears are!”
So to alleviate your fears — here’s a list of mine…
- Claustrophobia – I don’t know why but for some reason, ever since I crawled through a small tunnel around/under the swimming pool at our local YMCA (helping my dad with electrical work) I’ve had a huge fear of small places. I can even get a little antsy when I’m in an indoor playground full of screaming kids (as I found out in February).
- Losing a loved one unexpectedly.
- Phone calls from my parents after 10 p.m. or at very odd times of the day (see the above reason).
- Being a bad husband.
- Being a bad father.
- Being a bad friend.
- Not making a real difference or impact in the lives and world around me.
- Saying “No.”
- Confrontation.
So based on my fears — what would you try and sell me?
I am scared of flowing water that is deeper than I am… and heights. Oh and I am terrified of wearing shoes with jeans… freaks. me. out!
Just to clarify my previous comment…
1) I hate wild deep flowing water
2) I hate heights
3) I hate wearing “dress shoes” (ie non-sports shoes) with jeans
So… I've got a pair of tennis shoes that inflate into a giant life boat that can be used to catch your fall — in case you fall off a high bridge into raging deep water.