Mmm Snapple

I gots to tell you, I still love me some Peach Snapple Tea (or any Snapple tea for that matter).
I don’t buy it much because I’m more conscious about where my money goes, but whenever I “splurge” it always hits the spot and leaves me craving more.
We used to grab two or three of those a day when we were in high school.
Those were the days – when you made money and you could spend it all without having to worry about bills and rent or other monthly costs.
If you went out to eat it was in addition to the “free” food you got at home.
If you got low on your cash flow, you would still have food waiting at home, electricity coming on and a hot shower.
Now if you get low on your cash flow you have to decide, do I grab a burger or eat a cold sandwich at home so I can pay my bills.
Growing up is no fun šŸ™‚

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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