Uncle Barkey reports that half of WFAA’s (Channel 8 ) newly joined morning anchor team will be heading back home to Atlanta.
“Hometown girl” Cynthia Izaguirre returns to the city that raised her on the same day Justin Farmer decides to go home home again, too.
Except that Belo8 wasn’t planning on his surprise departure from the station’s increasingly important early morning Daybreak. The announcement came just a few hours after Farmer and Izaguirre had teamed for the first time on Friday’s program. They were supposed to be teammates for years to come.
“This isn’t about leaving WFAA,” Farmer said in an email sent early Monday morning. “This has been a great ride on many fronts. This is about going home to WSB in Atlanta. I learned to shoot and edit in that place. I was born and raised in Atlanta. My family and I thought long and hard about this decision and make it with conviction. With that said, I am glad to have a number of months left at WFAA. This place is all class and Cynthia and I have a lot of work to do.”
Cynthia needs to lighten up about saying her name…….Cynthia Izzzzzaaaaaguuuuuuuiiiiiiireeeeeeeeee. Around here it’s pronounced IZAGUIRRE…..short and simple. She just needs to go back to where ever she came from. She is so fake you can see right through her. I’ve read other blogs that say…..she’s hot. Whoever said that needs to get their eyes checked.
Cynthia needs to lighten up about saying her name…….Cynthia Izzzzzaaaaaguuuuuuuiiiiiiireeeeeeeeee. Around here it’s pronounced IZAGUIRRE…..short and simple. She just needs to go back to where ever she came from. She is so fake you can see right through her. I’ve read other blogs that say…..she’s hot. Whoever said that needs to get their eyes checked.
If you read the post you’d see that Cynthia Izaguirre is back where she came from – in Dallas
If you read the post you’d see that Cynthia Izaguirre is back where she came from – in Dallas
I’ve stopped watching News 8 Daybreak because I got tired of hearing Cynthia pronounce her last name. Then she was filling in at the 10:00 PM news and I stopped watching that too. I’ve switched back to Channel 5. Everyone there knows how to pronounce their name so it doesn’t offend anybody. I can’t even stand to here her say “THAAAAANNNNKKKKKK YOUUUUUUU AAAALLEEEXXIIIAAAAâ€
Why should she anglo-size her name to accomodate others? Get over it. Farmer was never that good, and a bit sarcastic. He and the woman Cynthia took over for had a very uncomfortable vibe. I am back on WFAA. Tammy Dombeck is the only reason to watch channel 5, Fox is a joke and the Scott Sams experience failed years ago.
Why should she anglo-size her name to accomodate others? Get over it. Farmer was never that good, and a bit sarcastic. He and the woman Cynthia took over for had a very uncomfortable vibe. I am back on WFAA. Tammy Dombeck is the only reason to watch channel 5, Fox is a joke and the Scott Sams experience failed years ago.
Ugh I’m sick to my stomach this morning. I just found out Justin Farmer is no more on WFAA. I really enjoyed Daybreak with Jackie, Justin and Greg. Then Jackie left and I was torn. I can’t stand Cynthia. She gets on my last damn nerve, but I still watched because Greg and Justin made up for her. Recently Nancy Snell has been filling in for Greg and thats cool and all because he needs vacation like everyone else. Hearing her voice makes me cringe. Now that Justin is gone, I will watch the weather and thats it for Channel 8. Brad is cool guy but my morning routine is totally messed up. sigh.. I hate change.
Ugh I’m sick to my stomach this morning. I just found out Justin Farmer is no more on WFAA. I really enjoyed Daybreak with Jackie, Justin and Greg. Then Jackie left and I was torn. I can’t stand Cynthia. She gets on my last damn nerve, but I still watched because Greg and Justin made up for her. Recently Nancy Snell has been filling in for Greg and thats cool and all because he needs vacation like everyone else. Hearing her voice makes me cringe. Now that Justin is gone, I will watch the weather and thats it for Channel 8. Brad is cool guy but my morning routine is totally messed up. sigh.. I hate change.
Oh, I hate that Justin Farmer is leaving. He was a great thing to wake up to in the morning. He’s sexy and smart. Plus, he wore a lot of orange ties. Maybe I should move to Atlanta!!!
Oh, I hate that Justin Farmer is leaving. He was a great thing to wake up to in the morning. He’s sexy and smart. Plus, he wore a lot of orange ties. Maybe I should move to Atlanta!!!
Well, I’m sorry that Justin left – and so quietly – but I love Brad; I’m glad he’s getting the opportunity to take over this morning show. I am also not a fan of Cynthia Isalonglastname, and have always wondered why they didn’t put Alexa in that position when Jackie left. Alexa anchors the midday news, she’s certainly qualified to do Daybreak, and she is actually pleasant to look at. But this post is about Justin leaving (sad) and Brad taking over (good). When the anchors and reporters just disappear it makes me think the station is pissed at them… Jackie Hyland, Meghan Danahey, and of course Troy Dungan got to make video blogs to say “good-bye,” why couldn’t Justin do that? Or Mike Castelluci (Why Guy), who is also gone? Anyway – best of luck to Justin in Atlanta, and to Brad, who deserves a promotion.
Well, I’m sorry that Justin left – and so quietly – but I love Brad; I’m glad he’s getting the opportunity to take over this morning show. I am also not a fan of Cynthia Isalonglastname, and have always wondered why they didn’t put Alexa in that position when Jackie left. Alexa anchors the midday news, she’s certainly qualified to do Daybreak, and she is actually pleasant to look at. But this post is about Justin leaving (sad) and Brad taking over (good). When the anchors and reporters just disappear it makes me think the station is pissed at them… Jackie Hyland, Meghan Danahey, and of course Troy Dungan got to make video blogs to say “good-bye,” why couldn’t Justin do that? Or Mike Castelluci (Why Guy), who is also gone? Anyway – best of luck to Justin in Atlanta, and to Brad, who deserves a promotion.
Cynthia Izzaguire is a breath of fresh air! Prior to her joining Channel 8 I didn’t have a particular news station that I watched. For the past few months the only news station I watch is channel 8. We can only hope that Cynthia is able to get Alexa and Greg to relax and enjoy what they are doing. I am so saddened that Justing Farmer is gone. He and Cynthia made a great morning team
Cynthia Izzaguire is a breath of fresh air! Prior to her joining Channel 8 I didn’t have a particular news station that I watched. For the past few months the only news station I watch is channel 8. We can only hope that Cynthia is able to get Alexa and Greg to relax and enjoy what they are doing. I am so saddened that Justing Farmer is gone. He and Cynthia made a great morning team
I woke up this morning and did not see the handsome and witty Justin Farmer and I was saddened. I do not have anything against Brad Hawkins and maybe he does deserve this promotion but Justin just flowed. Cynthia is too silly but Justin evened that flaw. No other morning program compared to Jackie, Justin, Greg, and Alexa. I am watching Fox4 but I am addicted to the overall style of News8 Daybreak. First Jackie, now Justin, please don’t leave Greg or Alexa. I need an intervention!
I woke up this morning and did not see the handsome and witty Justin Farmer and I was saddened. I do not have anything against Brad Hawkins and maybe he does deserve this promotion but Justin just flowed. Cynthia is too silly but Justin evened that flaw. No other morning program compared to Jackie, Justin, Greg, and Alexa. I am watching Fox4 but I am addicted to the overall style of News8 Daybreak. First Jackie, now Justin, please don’t leave Greg or Alexa. I need an intervention!
I agree, miss Justin, and Cynthia gets on my nerves too. Alexa and Greg are great, but I think I will have to find another early morning newscast to watch now. Best wishes to all!
I agree, miss Justin, and Cynthia gets on my nerves too. Alexa and Greg are great, but I think I will have to find another early morning newscast to watch now. Best wishes to all!
I will miss Justin, but much of the time he appeared in a bad mood and didn’t attempt to hide it. At times he took it out on Cynthia. In my opinon, Jackie was the best morning show anchor this city has been blessed with and she was a huge loss. Cynthia isn’t a “Jackie” but she has a great deal to offer the show. Please, everyone, just give her the chance to grow. If you can’t tell, I’m impressed with her.
Justin was a great anchor. A real breath of fresh air in the morning. Your rates would probably start to drop if it weren’t for Alexa and Greg. When Jackie left (and that was a shame) Justin kept things alive. Cynthia tried her damdist to get the spot light and Justin had enough class to keep things under control. Truth be known, I think you guys let Cynthia run Justin off. If you don’t get her under control soon your going to find yoursleves fighting for ratings. Channel 5 is looking better and better.
Justin was a great anchor. A real breath of fresh air in the morning. Your rates would probably start to drop if it weren’t for Alexa and Greg. When Jackie left (and that was a shame) Justin kept things alive. Cynthia tried her damdist to get the spot light and Justin had enough class to keep things under control. Truth be known, I think you guys let Cynthia run Justin off. If you don’t get her under control soon your going to find yoursleves fighting for ratings. Channel 5 is looking better and better.
I will miss Justin, but much of the time he appeared in a bad mood and didn’t attempt to hide it. At times he took it out on Cynthia. In my opinon, Jackie was the best morning show anchor this city has been blessed with and she was a huge loss. Cynthia isn’t a “Jackie” but she has a great deal to offer the show. Please, everyone, just give her the chance to grow. If you can’t tell, I’m impressed with her.
I can’t believe all the praises I’m hearing for Jackie and Justin. Come on, people! Justin -witty? Jackie – the best morning anchor this city has been blessed with? What rock did you all crawl out from under? Cynthia isn’t perfect by any stretch, but she is ten times better than Jackie and Brad is a marked improvement over Justin.
I can’t believe all the praises I’m hearing for Jackie and Justin. Come on, people! Justin -witty? Jackie – the best morning anchor this city has been blessed with? What rock did you all crawl out from under? Cynthia isn’t perfect by any stretch, but she is ten times better than Jackie and Brad is a marked improvement over Justin.
I was stunned to turn on the TV this morning to fine someone sitting in Justin’s chair. Wow. It bothered me all day that he is gone. So nice, funny and handsome. He had a real, natural quality. Yes, Cynthia Isa…..ought to quit with the fancy pronunciations. It bothered me at first but now I’m used to it. I just laugh about it. I like Alexa. She has class and is a nice dresser. Cynthia wears the same type of outfit all the time. She needs someone to take her clothes shopping.
I was stunned to turn on the TV this morning to fine someone sitting in Justin’s chair. Wow. It bothered me all day that he is gone. So nice, funny and handsome. He had a real, natural quality. Yes, Cynthia Isa…..ought to quit with the fancy pronunciations. It bothered me at first but now I’m used to it. I just laugh about it. I like Alexa. She has class and is a nice dresser. Cynthia wears the same type of outfit all the time. She needs someone to take her clothes shopping.
Hey I’m not gonna lie, I’m just nosey and wondered why Justin was gone. WFAA shouldn’t let Greg get out of here or as the song sates, “Aint No Sunshine….”
As for the news, if it’s reported correctly I wouldn’t care if Scooby-Do reported it… most of it’s history by the time we hear it anyway!!!
Hey I’m not gonna lie, I’m just nosey and wondered why Justin was gone. WFAA shouldn’t let Greg get out of here or as the song sates, “Aint No Sunshine….”
As for the news, if it’s reported correctly I wouldn’t care if Scooby-Do reported it… most of it’s history by the time we hear it anyway!!!
I’m happy to see Justin leave. I was never impressed with him. Jackie was the best news anchor that channel 8 had in the morning. Such a classy lady…..Cynthia just doesn’t have it. I’ve continued to watch mainly for Greg Fields and the Wise Guy but he’s also gone. I enjoy Greg’s weather forcast better than the others. I do however like Brad Hawkins so I’ll probably stay tuned for now.
I’m happy to see Justin leave. I was never impressed with him. Jackie was the best news anchor that channel 8 had in the morning. Such a classy lady…..Cynthia just doesn’t have it. I’ve continued to watch mainly for Greg Fields and the Wise Guy but he’s also gone. I enjoy Greg’s weather forcast better than the others. I do however like Brad Hawkins so I’ll probably stay tuned for now.
I am so glad Brad Hawkins has been promoted to Daybreak.. He is a great newsman..

Best of Luck to him!!
I am so glad Brad Hawkins has been promoted to Daybreak.. He is a great newsman..

Best of Luck to him!!
Y’all really have it twisted…. the best morning anchors were debbie denmon and michael rey. they were awesome. then they were moved out and justin and jackie came. They were good. but this Cynthia IZAWHO!!!! came rolling her tongue along. hey I’m latina and there is no need for all of that GGGGGGGGGUURRRRRRZZZZZZZAAAAAA. uncalled for. Have to say i love brad I hope he’s here to stay . also greg fields and alexa are AWESOME
Y’all really have it twisted…. the best morning anchors were debbie denmon and michael rey. they were awesome. then they were moved out and justin and jackie came. They were good. but this Cynthia IZAWHO!!!! came rolling her tongue along. hey I’m latina and there is no need for all of that GGGGGGGGGUURRRRRRZZZZZZZAAAAAA. uncalled for. Have to say i love brad I hope he’s here to stay . also greg fields and alexa are AWESOME
Glad to see Brad, the best in Dallas, brings the news to a different level. I do not care for Alexa, has a history of being a greek goodess and issues with another station in Dallas. When Alexa does the traffic, I switch the station.
Glad to see Brad, the best in Dallas, brings the news to a different level. I do not care for Alexa, has a history of being a greek goodess and issues with another station in Dallas. When Alexa does the traffic, I switch the station.
I still miss Jackie Hyland she was a class act. The new gal does not measure up. Jackie and Justin had great chemistry together. This new gal is FAKE! We can see right through you.
I still miss Jackie Hyland she was a class act. The new gal does not measure up. Jackie and Justin had great chemistry together. This new gal is FAKE! We can see right through you.
Sorry to see Justin go but can understand his reasons. Why is it WFAA hires people from so far away, don’t they understand the concept of homesick? Glad to see a hometown body, Cynthia, get moved in. I like Brad and would like to see Cynthia Vega with a bigger role, she’s great.
Sorry to see Justin go but can understand his reasons. Why is it WFAA hires people from so far away, don’t they understand the concept of homesick? Glad to see a hometown body, Cynthia, get moved in. I like Brad and would like to see Cynthia Vega with a bigger role, she’s great.
Cynthia I? was not born in Dallas.. she is from New York. Cynthia Vega is from Chicago.
Cynthia I? was not born in Dallas.. she is from New York. Cynthia Vega is from Chicago.
Everyone needs to go easy on Cynthia. I watch the news just for her and I think she does a fantastic job. For those of you who say she is fake and you can see right through her, be serious, I’m sure you don’t know her well enough to judge her. That would be like her reading your uneducated comments and call you idiots. Her name is what it is and she’s proud of it. Justin Farmer tried too hard to be witty and was obnoxious and annoying in the process.
Everyone needs to go easy on Cynthia. I watch the news just for her and I think she does a fantastic job. For those of you who say she is fake and you can see right through her, be serious, I’m sure you don’t know her well enough to judge her. That would be like her reading your uneducated comments and call you idiots. Her name is what it is and she’s proud of it. Justin Farmer tried too hard to be witty and was obnoxious and annoying in the process.
I can’t stand Cynthia. I feel like she’s being shoved down out throats with the commercials and billboards. I stopped watching and just now realized Justin was gone….loved him I wish him the best of luck. I hope Brad can stand being with Cynthia, she just acts so wierd and sticks out like a sore thumb.
I can’t stand Cynthia. I feel like she’s being shoved down out throats with the commercials and billboards. I stopped watching and just now realized Justin was gone….loved him I wish him the best of luck. I hope Brad can stand being with Cynthia, she just acts so wierd and sticks out like a sore thumb.
I liked Jackie and Justin. I can’t stand Cynthia. I don’t care that she is from Dallas, she is so fake and annoying!! My poor husband has to drive past a huge bill board of her face every day and can’t stand it. Neither one of us can stand her. I watch the show long enough to see the weather and then switch to Disney channel for the kids since I can’t stand the weekday am news crew any longer.
I liked Jackie and Justin. I can’t stand Cynthia. I don’t care that she is from Dallas, she is so fake and annoying!! My poor husband has to drive past a huge bill board of her face every day and can’t stand it. Neither one of us can stand her. I watch the show long enough to see the weather and then switch to Disney channel for the kids since I can’t stand the weekday am news crew any longer.
Sad to see Justin leave and so unceremoniously…one day Brad Hawkins was in his chair! Wish him all the best in Atlanta. Cynthia I is an awesome anchor; she is a class act and looks good along with Greg and Alexa. Brad definitely deserves a promotion and I would like to see Cynthia Vega get a promotion too…maybe she can replace the haughty Macie Jepson? Love Denmon and what ever happened to the ‘Why Guy’? Channel 8 seems to be running anchors and reporters off….what is going on WFAA?
Sad to see Justin leave and so unceremoniously…one day Brad Hawkins was in his chair! Wish him all the best in Atlanta. Cynthia I is an awesome anchor; she is a class act and looks good along with Greg and Alexa. Brad definitely deserves a promotion and I would like to see Cynthia Vega get a promotion too…maybe she can replace the haughty Macie Jepson? Love Denmon and what ever happened to the ‘Why Guy’? Channel 8 seems to be running anchors and reporters off….what is going on WFAA?
Cynthia Izaguirre fake? I don’t think so, she is a professional anchor who makes the news fun to watch. I watch the morning news on Channel 8 everyday and enjoy her professionalism. I have to agree that all the billboards are a little annoying. Fake was Justin Farmer; he read too fast, had too much makeup on and was nothing but a pretty face, (some may say). WFAA needed some professionalism back and I think Cynthia, Brad, Greg (LOVE HIM) and Alexa (GREATNESS) are the way to go! Kudos to Channel 8 for giving us an Emmy winning team once again!
Cynthia Izaguirre fake? I don’t think so, she is a professional anchor who makes the news fun to watch. I watch the morning news on Channel 8 everyday and enjoy her professionalism. I have to agree that all the billboards are a little annoying. Fake was Justin Farmer; he read too fast, had too much makeup on and was nothing but a pretty face, (some may say). WFAA needed some professionalism back and I think Cynthia, Brad, Greg (LOVE HIM) and Alexa (GREATNESS) are the way to go! Kudos to Channel 8 for giving us an Emmy winning team once again!
Something I noticed too that a lot of people left WFAA anyone know why?
Something I noticed too that a lot of people left WFAA anyone know why?
I hadn’t realized that Justin Farmer had gone. I thought he was just on vacation. It only dawned on me that he is no longer on the morning show is when Shelly Slater said she was sitting in for Brad Hawkins.
I will miss Justin Farmer – he was so quick and had such an easy relationship with Cynthia I. He was almost able to make Jakie Hyland presentable. That was just too big a task, I fear. She made no secret of hating it down here.
Cynthia I. is so good, again an ease with people, she is able to tone down the strident Shelly Slater.
While Alexa Conomos was on maternity leave there was a replacement traffic person who was awesome. I hope we see more of her.
I hope Brad is able to grow into the role, he is such a good news guy. Understanding the pacing of a morning show takes time.
And Greg Fields – I love his dry sense of humor. I just wish that the evening and mornig weather forecasts sometimes agreed with each other. I realize a lot happens overnight but it would be nice if the program were to have a “last night we told you that it was going to rain all day, but the weather system has changed and now it looks as if….”
It would have been nice to be told when and why Justin Farmer left. It makes it appear as though there was a problem when it is ignored this way. They made such a big deal out of Jackie Hyland’s move to New York.
It would have been nice to be told when and why Justin Farmer left. It makes it appear as though there was a problem when it is ignored this way. They made such a big deal out of Jackie Hyland’s move to New York.
I never cared for Justin. I’m glad he’s gone. He and the lady before Cynthia didn’t seem to click at all. I like Brad. If he says it, I believe it. Where is Macie Jepson?
I never cared for Justin. I’m glad he’s gone. He and the lady before Cynthia didn’t seem to click at all. I like Brad. If he says it, I believe it. Where is Macie Jepson?
I loved Jackie Hyland. She was great. She lived in my neighborhood and she was lovely in person.. and liked Dallas a lot I know in the end she did not want to leave. She helped Justin if you ask me.. he needed to be propped up.
I loved Jackie Hyland. She was great. She lived in my neighborhood and she was lovely in person.. and liked Dallas a lot I know in the end she did not want to leave. She helped Justin if you ask me.. he needed to be propped up.
I, also, just realized that Justin was gone. This is like radio when your favorite personalities just disappear w/o notice by the station. Cynthia I. is okay. I note that the way she pronounces her name drives others nuts like me. I really like Brad. He’s credible. Each to their own. Alexis has ALWAYS driven me nuts with the way she always is saying “again” even when it is the first time she talks about something. She seems very inexperienced. Frankly, I used to always watch Daybreak, now, I switch between Scott Sams and 8 now. I get sooooooo sick of hearing Alexis use the word “again.” Justin and Jackie were really never really very impressive but think the station loved their “looks.” Glad they have gone back home where they wanted to be. Brad Hawkins, I am glad to see someone of your professional ability added to the Daybreak show.
What in the world happened to Justin Farmer? I just found out that he is no longer with Channel 8. He made my mornings much more pleasant, and a great start to my day. I like Brad he is a good anchor, co anchor Cynthia gets on my last nerve trying to be funny. Alexa needs to go, she acts like she is a princess and her bangs are awful she needs a new hair style… Greg Fields is AWESOME!! If it were’nt for Greg I would go to another station…..
What in the world happened to Justin Farmer? I just found out that he is no longer with Channel 8. He made my mornings much more pleasant, and a great start to my day. I like Brad he is a good anchor, co anchor Cynthia gets on my last nerve trying to be funny. Alexa needs to go, she acts like she is a princess and her bangs are awful she needs a new hair style… Greg Fields is AWESOME!! If it were’nt for Greg I would go to another station…..
I don’t understand why I can’t turn the TV on two days in a row and have the same two people sitting in the anchor chairs! It seems to me that Cynthia takes more time off than she spends at work, and it’s fruitbasket turnover in terms of what Alexa is doing any given day. Maybe it’s just summer vacation time, but the inconsistency is wearing me down. And I can’t stand Cynthia. I’ll be glad when her 15 minutes of fame are up here and she moves on again. I am sorry they didn’t give Justin a proper send off.
I don’t understand why I can’t turn the TV on two days in a row and have the same two people sitting in the anchor chairs! It seems to me that Cynthia takes more time off than she spends at work, and it’s fruitbasket turnover in terms of what Alexa is doing any given day. Maybe it’s just summer vacation time, but the inconsistency is wearing me down. And I can’t stand Cynthia. I’ll be glad when her 15 minutes of fame are up here and she moves on again. I am sorry they didn’t give Justin a proper send off.
I like Cynthia Izzaguirre.She is down to earth friendly and she is a very pretty lady. she has class. I am glad to see a friendly face on daybreak. I also like Greg and Alexa. If you people don’t like Cynthia Izzaguirre then keep on watching the other channels. I wasn’t big on Justin, but he was professional and he was also down to earth. SO YOU ALL NEED TO GET A GRIP ON YOURSELVES. MAYBE YOU ALL CAN DO A BETTER JOB. “I think not, since you probably haven’t gone to school to be a journelist. oh yes. it is only your openions.
I like Cynthia Izzaguirre.She is down to earth friendly and she is a very pretty lady. she has class. I am glad to see a friendly face on daybreak. I also like Greg and Alexa. If you people don’t like Cynthia Izzaguirre then keep on watching the other channels. I wasn’t big on Justin, but he was professional and he was also down to earth. SO YOU ALL NEED TO GET A GRIP ON YOURSELVES. MAYBE YOU ALL CAN DO A BETTER JOB. “I think not, since you probably haven’t gone to school to be a journelist. oh yes. it is only your openions.
Alexia does a better job than Cynthia ever thought about doing. Cynthia makes me sick every time I hear her say her last name. I’ve noticed she’s toned it down a little bit but it’s still a little much. Maybe she’s read this blog…..I hope so.
Alexia does a better job than Cynthia ever thought about doing. Cynthia makes me sick every time I hear her say her last name. I’ve noticed she’s toned it down a little bit but it’s still a little much. Maybe she’s read this blog…..I hope so.
Ohhhh and I am an idiot.
Ohhhh and I am an idiot.
Changes are a way of life, so we all need to hang in there because there will be more significant changes than this in our lives. I’ve found it helps if you give new people and things a chance. In time you may discover they’re not so bad after all. I like Cynthia Izzaguirre and Brad Hawkins. Cynthia is getting better with the name thing and she will get even better as time goes on. Brad adds a level of professionalism like we see on Good Morning America to the Daybreak Show. That was a really good choice. I’m sure Justin is a good guy, but I think he tried too hard to add humor when it wasn’t needed and sometimes it made him look and sound unprofessional. I remember seeing him make Diane Sawyer look uncomfortable one morning with a witty, unprofessional remark. Alexia and Brad are always super. Please don’t let them leave. You have the makings of a first rate team now. Keep up the good work.
Changes are a way of life, so we all need to hang in there because there will be more significant changes than this in our lives. I’ve found it helps if you give new people and things a chance. In time you may discover they’re not so bad after all. I like Cynthia Izzaguirre and Brad Hawkins. Cynthia is getting better with the name thing and she will get even better as time goes on. Brad adds a level of professionalism like we see on Good Morning America to the Daybreak Show. That was a really good choice. I’m sure Justin is a good guy, but I think he tried too hard to add humor when it wasn’t needed and sometimes it made him look and sound unprofessional. I remember seeing him make Diane Sawyer look uncomfortable one morning with a witty, unprofessional remark. Alexia and Brad are always super. Please don’t let them leave. You have the makings of a first rate team now. Keep up the good work.
Well…after many years of faithful watching WFAA news,I guess it is time to move on to another channel..since we do have choices..and it was bad enough when Hyland left..her and Justin were an awesome team..now he is gone..and it all stinks,except for Greg fields..guess he will be next..
Channel 5..best choice..
Well…after many years of faithful watching WFAA news,I guess it is time to move on to another channel..since we do have choices..and it was bad enough when Hyland left..her and Justin were an awesome team..now he is gone..and it all stinks,except for Greg fields..guess he will be next..
Channel 5..best choice..
I miss the Jackie Hyland and Justin Farmer duo newsteam. They were so great together and their news always flowed so well. I can’t stand Cynthia Izaguirre and Brad Hawkins. They are both too uptight and serious that early in the morning. Justin was handsome and had a great sense of humor. I will certainly miss him. I am with all of you…time to switch to another news channel. I like the weather guy in the evening better than Greg Fields.
I miss the Jackie Hyland and Justin Farmer duo newsteam. They were so great together and their news always flowed so well. I can’t stand Cynthia Izaguirre and Brad Hawkins. They are both too uptight and serious that early in the morning. Justin was handsome and had a great sense of humor. I will certainly miss him. I am with all of you…time to switch to another news channel. I like the weather guy in the evening better than Greg Fields.
Not a fan of Cynthia Izaguirre and the annoying way she says her name…LOVED Jackie Hyland…wasn’t all that fond of Justin, but I hate change…I would watch another local morning show except I always tune in to channel 8 for Good Morning America (my absolute FAVE!), so it’s tough to switch channels back and forth. I do enjoy seeing Scott Samms back on morning TV, so I sometimes switch to channel 11, but the rest of their morning team drives me nuts…
Not a fan of Cynthia Izaguirre and the annoying way she says her name…LOVED Jackie Hyland…wasn’t all that fond of Justin, but I hate change…I would watch another local morning show except I always tune in to channel 8 for Good Morning America (my absolute FAVE!), so it’s tough to switch channels back and forth. I do enjoy seeing Scott Samms back on morning TV, so I sometimes switch to channel 11, but the rest of their morning team drives me nuts…
I read on another blog that Cynthia’s off more than she’s at work. Maybe she’s out looking for another job or working at Wal-Mart as a checker. She needs to just bow out gracefully and realize that Dallas may be her home but she’s just not right for the Dallas / Ft. Worth area.
I just found out Justin left. I quit ever so watching Daybreak, I don’t know how long ago. Jackie was my favorite–and once her personality came out, she left Justin in the dust sipping a strawberry limeade. Hated to see her go. Justin–well, nice eye candy, however–no chemistry with Jackie. Just not feelin’ him. And Cynthia…well, like everybody else…I’m over to Channel 5. The may me laugh, and seem to have a sly sense of humor. Even tho I’m ticked they got rid of the Weather Woman, Rebecca after forever. Wait–the Why Guy is gone TOO??
I just found out Justin left. I quit ever so watching Daybreak, I don’t know how long ago. Jackie was my favorite–and once her personality came out, she left Justin in the dust sipping a strawberry limeade. Hated to see her go. Justin–well, nice eye candy, however–no chemistry with Jackie. Just not feelin’ him. And Cynthia…well, like everybody else…I’m over to Channel 5. The may me laugh, and seem to have a sly sense of humor. Even tho I’m ticked they got rid of the Weather Woman, Rebecca after forever. Wait–the Why Guy is gone TOO??
I watch every morning without fail. I really like the professionalism of Cynthia and Brad together. I did not care for Jackie or Justin – both were way to fake. Cynthia is very classy and a great change for Channel 8. Besides with Affirmative Action nowadays, those four look and seem to work well with one another. And, as for Greg Fields, love him, love him, love him! What a great weather man, and I was always a Troy D fan. Currently, Greg is the best of all the Channel 8 weather men. Don’t ever let him leave WFAA! Do not care for Alexia…..seems very spoiled and used to getting her way.
I watch every morning without fail. I really like the professionalism of Cynthia and Brad together. I did not care for Jackie or Justin – both were way to fake. Cynthia is very classy and a great change for Channel 8. Besides with Affirmative Action nowadays, those four look and seem to work well with one another. And, as for Greg Fields, love him, love him, love him! What a great weather man, and I was always a Troy D fan. Currently, Greg is the best of all the Channel 8 weather men. Don’t ever let him leave WFAA! Do not care for Alexia…..seems very spoiled and used to getting her way.
I only watch the morning news now for Greg Fields, who is truly a class act and always has a smile in the morning that doesn’t seem so fake. Since Cynthia Izzzzaaaawhocares joined I turn it off as soon as I hear the weather. As much as I like Brad, I still can’t watch him with Cynthia, she tries to hard to be funny, and I noticed she has tried to overshadow both Justin and Brad since she joined.
I only watch the morning news now for Greg Fields, who is truly a class act and always has a smile in the morning that doesn’t seem so fake. Since Cynthia Izzzzaaaawhocares joined I turn it off as soon as I hear the weather. As much as I like Brad, I still can’t watch him with Cynthia, she tries to hard to be funny, and I noticed she has tried to overshadow both Justin and Brad since she joined.
Jackie Hyland LOVED LOVED LOVED her. Sorry this seems so over the top. But I still miss her. You know why she was real. I really enjoyed the banter between her and Justin they definately had something. They were a good combo. New lady Cynthia is so annoying make her go away.
Jackie Hyland LOVED LOVED LOVED her. Sorry this seems so over the top. But I still miss her. You know why she was real. I really enjoyed the banter between her and Justin they definately had something. They were a good combo. New lady Cynthia is so annoying make her go away.
PLEASE EVERYONE – Cynthia is a true picture of what TEXAS people are all about. She loves her HOME TOWN and her job. She brings a happy start to the morning. I miss all the others but we have to be open to change and know that no matter what WFAA will always have only the best. Just look at the other stations, they are so borning. I will take Happy, fisty and professional anytime over boring and OLD.
PLEASE EVERYONE – Cynthia is a true picture of what TEXAS people are all about. She loves her HOME TOWN and her job. She brings a happy start to the morning. I miss all the others but we have to be open to change and know that no matter what WFAA will always have only the best. Just look at the other stations, they are so borning. I will take Happy, fisty and professional anytime over boring and OLD.
I like Cynthia. I liked Jackie and Justin as well. I hope the replacement they get for Justin is as personable and likeable as Scott Sams and Justin Farmer were. I don’t like stiff and unapproachable on camera. I’m a little on and off with Alexa C. though. I like for my channel 8 to be everything I’m looking for when I turn it on at 5:00am in the morning and watch again at 10:00pm that evening. I LOVE GREG FIELDS. He is the cutest, most pleasant weather man I’ve ever watched.
I like Cynthia. I liked Jackie and Justin as well. I hope the replacement they get for Justin is as personable and likeable as Scott Sams and Justin Farmer were. I don’t like stiff and unapproachable on camera. I’m a little on and off with Alexa C. though. I like for my channel 8 to be everything I’m looking for when I turn it on at 5:00am in the morning and watch again at 10:00pm that evening. I LOVE GREG FIELDS. He is the cutest, most pleasant weather man I’ve ever watched.
Cindy what on earth did your comment about affirmative action mean? It sounded totally ridiculous. Cynthia should lay off the heavy pronunciation of her last name and stop trying to be so witty! Greg and Alexa both come across very uptight and snobby on camera. He needs to speak louder and Alexa needs to learn the city, the ladies that fill in for her show her up! Justin was sarcastic and snotty!
Cindy what on earth did your comment about affirmative action mean? It sounded totally ridiculous. Cynthia should lay off the heavy pronunciation of her last name and stop trying to be so witty! Greg and Alexa both come across very uptight and snobby on camera. He needs to speak louder and Alexa needs to learn the city, the ladies that fill in for her show her up! Justin was sarcastic and snotty!
What does everyone think of the traffic woman this week? I think she is way better than Alexa, the one who is always gone too much. Have you ever noticed that the news anchors seem to take vacation too much? Also, I totally miss the WHY guy because he was so funny. He will be greatly missed in this area and a true asset to whatever news station he decides to go to next. This news station seems to really be going downhill since they are losing all the good ones. Personally, I prefer the weather guy that is on in the evening over Greg Fields anyday…he is much nicer and more handsome. Just my thoughts.
What does everyone think of the traffic woman this week? I think she is way better than Alexa, the one who is always gone too much. Have you ever noticed that the news anchors seem to take vacation too much? Also, I totally miss the WHY guy because he was so funny. He will be greatly missed in this area and a true asset to whatever news station he decides to go to next. This news station seems to really be going downhill since they are losing all the good ones. Personally, I prefer the weather guy that is on in the evening over Greg Fields anyday…he is much nicer and more handsome. Just my thoughts.
Whoa people… with all the bad/sad news that has to be told at 5am, you need a newscast that has some personality. Think about it people, you wake up to hearing about murder, rape, homes burning and poeple being homeless and all you can think of is how Cynthia says her last name? Jackie was cold, all she did was read the prompter. Justin might of made snide remarks about some of the reports he gave, but weren’t you thinking the same thing too? Brad has alot to learn. He’ll get there! Greg is the best. He’s the reason I keep watching. I do like it when Pete gives Dale Hell !!!!
Whoa people… with all the bad/sad news that has to be told at 5am, you need a newscast that has some personality. Think about it people, you wake up to hearing about murder, rape, homes burning and poeple being homeless and all you can think of is how Cynthia says her last name? Jackie was cold, all she did was read the prompter. Justin might of made snide remarks about some of the reports he gave, but weren’t you thinking the same thing too? Brad has alot to learn. He’ll get there! Greg is the best. He’s the reason I keep watching. I do like it when Pete gives Dale Hell !!!!
Loved the traffic person this week, and I wish she would stay on full-time. I tune out when Alexa comes on, especially when she starts talking about alternate routes. Alexa seems too full of herself and tries to hog the show. I liked Jackie and Justin, Cynthia is okay, and I have always liked Brad. I think he does a really great job. Greg is great, and his forecasts are usually very accurate. I’m not really very fond of Pete Delkus but I probably wouldn’t like anyone who took Troy’s place!
Loved the traffic person this week, and I wish she would stay on full-time. I tune out when Alexa comes on, especially when she starts talking about alternate routes. Alexa seems too full of herself and tries to hog the show. I liked Jackie and Justin, Cynthia is okay, and I have always liked Brad. I think he does a really great job. Greg is great, and his forecasts are usually very accurate. I’m not really very fond of Pete Delkus but I probably wouldn’t like anyone who took Troy’s place!
So true about Alexa if you really listen to her reports they are the exact same no information. Have you ever seen her early in the morning she looks like a mess her hair scary and no make-up she must do it during the show no wonder traffic reports are off.
So true about Alexa if you really listen to her reports they are the exact same no information. Have you ever seen her early in the morning she looks like a mess her hair scary and no make-up she must do it during the show no wonder traffic reports are off.
Wow! I was so shocked not to see Justin on the TV this week! I watch every morning & if it was ever announced on air, I guess I was in the shower. I thought it was just vacation. I REALLY like Justin & agree that along w/ Jackie, Greg & Alexa, the team was unbeatable – But I guess that is a matter of preferance. I admit, Cynthia really gets on my nerves a bit, but I can only imagine how difficult it is to follow such a popular anchor – and she is so young, accounting for some of her silliness and nervous guffaws. She is obvioulsy talented, just needs to get a handle on her “on air” presence. The name thing drove me crazy at first, but I am getting use to it. As for Brad, he is very good, delivers news without bias like Justin and I think and hope he will do well – not mention a cute guy in his own right. As for Justin, can someone pass the tissue and vodka? This may take a while… Good luck to Justin and his family. He obviously did what he thought was right for them. The rest of will just have to get through it. ;-((
Wow! I was so shocked not to see Justin on the TV this week! I watch every morning & if it was ever announced on air, I guess I was in the shower. I thought it was just vacation. I REALLY like Justin & agree that along w/ Jackie, Greg & Alexa, the team was unbeatable – But I guess that is a matter of preferance. I admit, Cynthia really gets on my nerves a bit, but I can only imagine how difficult it is to follow such a popular anchor – and she is so young, accounting for some of her silliness and nervous guffaws. She is obvioulsy talented, just needs to get a handle on her “on air” presence. The name thing drove me crazy at first, but I am getting use to it. As for Brad, he is very good, delivers news without bias like Justin and I think and hope he will do well – not mention a cute guy in his own right. As for Justin, can someone pass the tissue and vodka? This may take a while… Good luck to Justin and his family. He obviously did what he thought was right for them. The rest of will just have to get through it. ;-((
Just found out that Justin is gone and am so disappointed. But I do really like Brad Hawkins. Alexa could go away … can take Cynthia or leave her … I’m still bitter about Quin Mathews, so I guess I shouldn’t comment at all.
Just found out that Justin is gone and am so disappointed. But I do really like Brad Hawkins. Alexa could go away … can take Cynthia or leave her … I’m still bitter about Quin Mathews, so I guess I shouldn’t comment at all.
I’m sick, sick, sick about Justin Farmer being gone! For weeks now I’ve been thinking he’s on vacation – our loss! – He really made the morning news! It’s just not the same.
I really wish the station would have changed Cynthia’s last name when she was hired on; it’s very annoying!
Brad is GREAT too and I do wish him well. He is the only reason I keep watching channel 8.
I’m sick, sick, sick about Justin Farmer being gone! For weeks now I’ve been thinking he’s on vacation – our loss! – He really made the morning news! It’s just not the same.
I really wish the station would have changed Cynthia’s last name when she was hired on; it’s very annoying!
Brad is GREAT too and I do wish him well. He is the only reason I keep watching channel 8.
Jackie’s long gone, Justin’s just gone and where on earth is the Why Guy? What is going on at WFAA? The only people left in the AM that I can really tolerate are Greg and Alexa. The station did ok with its “Daybreak” bit, w/Jackie.Justin & team. Since it’s not that show anymore, why not bring back Debbie Denmon & Michael Ray in the morning? They did a great job till they were bumped for Jackie/Justin. I truly have a hard time listening to Cynthia, nothing against her, but she strikes me as more of a field reporter type, maybe long enough for us to grow familiar with her, then have her make the transition into a news format.
Jackie’s long gone, Justin’s just gone and where on earth is the Why Guy? What is going on at WFAA? The only people left in the AM that I can really tolerate are Greg and Alexa. The station did ok with its “Daybreak” bit, w/Jackie.Justin & team. Since it’s not that show anymore, why not bring back Debbie Denmon & Michael Ray in the morning? They did a great job till they were bumped for Jackie/Justin. I truly have a hard time listening to Cynthia, nothing against her, but she strikes me as more of a field reporter type, maybe long enough for us to grow familiar with her, then have her make the transition into a news format.
go to youtube and type in “reporter calls blind man gay” and who will you find???? Our good friend Cynthia Is-if-year-aye from her New Mexico/previous news station.
go to youtube and type in “reporter calls blind man gay” and who will you find???? Our good friend Cynthia Is-if-year-aye from her New Mexico/previous news station.
I don’t really miss Justin, as when they brought on Cynthia IIIZZZZZAAAAA——- I went to channel 11 and back to Scott Sams. I do really like Brad and Greg, but do not care for Cynthia and Alexa enough to make the change. And like someone above, when she filled in at night, We changed the channel also.
They should put Shelly Slater in the Morning spot. She is a happy and good reporter. I liked her and Brad on the weekend.
I don’t really miss Justin, as when they brought on Cynthia IIIZZZZZAAAAA——- I went to channel 11 and back to Scott Sams. I do really like Brad and Greg, but do not care for Cynthia and Alexa enough to make the change. And like someone above, when she filled in at night, We changed the channel also.
They should put Shelly Slater in the Morning spot. She is a happy and good reporter. I liked her and Brad on the weekend.
jackie was terrible as is/was justin. i like cynthia & she is better but the pronunciation of her last name bothers me. still cannot understand waht she is saying. like brad and greg. i did like debbie denmon and her co-host. but really miss the guys who is now on channel 11.
jackie was terrible as is/was justin. i like cynthia & she is better but the pronunciation of her last name bothers me. still cannot understand waht she is saying. like brad and greg. i did like debbie denmon and her co-host. but really miss the guys who is now on channel 11.
yep. a billion people agree. I cannot stand how she over annuciates her last name. Everyone here speaks spanish. We are used to it. We know when someone is pronouncing as normal and when someone thinks thay are ‘special’ and is jut being obnoxious. ugh.
yep. a billion people agree. I cannot stand how she over annuciates her last name. Everyone here speaks spanish. We are used to it. We know when someone is pronouncing as normal and when someone thinks thay are ‘special’ and is jut being obnoxious. ugh.
I, for one, do not and will not miss Justin Farmer except for his flubs when reporting the news. I’m still laughing about his pronouncing the word “epitome” the way it looks–epi-tome–and when dancer Cyd Charisse died, he called her “Side” Charisse. Obviously he had never heard of her. Brad Hawkins is a huge improvement.
I, for one, do not and will not miss Justin Farmer except for his flubs when reporting the news. I’m still laughing about his pronouncing the word “epitome” the way it looks–epi-tome–and when dancer Cyd Charisse died, he called her “Side” Charisse. Obviously he had never heard of her. Brad Hawkins is a huge improvement.
Jerry, it’s her name, and she can pronounce it the way she wants. You’re not pronouncing her name correctly. As for you, I’m sure people mispronounce your name often – “jerk.”
Jerry, it’s her name, and she can pronounce it the way she wants. You’re not pronouncing her name correctly. As for you, I’m sure people mispronounce your name often – “jerk.”
I am glad Brad came on board. He does a great job!
I like Cindy alot – who cares what her last name is.
I don’t miss Justin – he was too full of himself
Greg is great! I always watch his weather – he is thorough, professional and very knowledgable. Alexa does great! Her talent is wasted on doing the traffic.
I am glad Brad came on board. He does a great job!
I like Cindy alot – who cares what her last name is.
I don’t miss Justin – he was too full of himself
Greg is great! I always watch his weather – he is thorough, professional and very knowledgable. Alexa does great! Her talent is wasted on doing the traffic.
sasha…..i saw when he mispronounced Cyd too. Made my skin crawl. It’s sad but most people now would not know alot about that era, or even from my era for that matter. some high school boys that i know called me over to thier car to ask about this music band they found…..it was Guns n Roses. Sad.
sasha…..i saw when he mispronounced Cyd too. Made my skin crawl. It’s sad but most people now would not know alot about that era, or even from my era for that matter. some high school boys that i know called me over to thier car to ask about this music band they found…..it was Guns n Roses. Sad.
I’d like to see Alexa given the chance to anchor the morning news. She’s done a great job with the morning traffic, but how much longer will she be able to stand reporting the same problems on the same streets, without getting bored to death? I’d like to see Cynthia Vega get a good hairdresser… her hair looks as if it will snap off in the next big breeze. It distracts from her reporting, which seems very relevent. Cynthia TheeTheeTheeThee should seriously consider Americanizing her name a bit. I feel as if she’s trying to make a statement and I don’t really watch news to get a lecture. People have been softening the pronounciation of their names for centuries. Mine no longer has the German flair it once had, but it DOES seem more AMERICAN as opposed to foreign, and I’m still just as proud of it and my heritage as if it was still pronounced with the gutteral sound of the native language. Justin seemed fun and I only today realised he was gone forever and not just absent for a time. He’ll be missed, but Brad is doing a great job.
I’d like to see Alexa given the chance to anchor the morning news. She’s done a great job with the morning traffic, but how much longer will she be able to stand reporting the same problems on the same streets, without getting bored to death? I’d like to see Cynthia Vega get a good hairdresser… her hair looks as if it will snap off in the next big breeze. It distracts from her reporting, which seems very relevent. Cynthia TheeTheeTheeThee should seriously consider Americanizing her name a bit. I feel as if she’s trying to make a statement and I don’t really watch news to get a lecture. People have been softening the pronounciation of their names for centuries. Mine no longer has the German flair it once had, but it DOES seem more AMERICAN as opposed to foreign, and I’m still just as proud of it and my heritage as if it was still pronounced with the gutteral sound of the native language. Justin seemed fun and I only today realised he was gone forever and not just absent for a time. He’ll be missed, but Brad is doing a great job.
The Jackie and Justin duo was a disaster. A goofy yankee in Dallas? Cmon, who the hell thought that would work. Justin was very good and will be missed. That Brad guy doesnt know crap about how to dress..must be dark in his room in the early AM. Cynthia is very good and I am glad she is here.
The Jackie and Justin duo was a disaster. A goofy yankee in Dallas? Cmon, who the hell thought that would work. Justin was very good and will be missed. That Brad guy doesnt know crap about how to dress..must be dark in his room in the early AM. Cynthia is very good and I am glad she is here.
Jackie grew up in Ireland.. shows how biased you are!
Jackie grew up in Ireland.. shows how biased you are!
Please channel 8, stop playing musical chairs with the morning anchors!!! I find myself spending too much time in the morning wondering who will show up in the anchor chairs! I would think that you “hot shots” in the executive board room would understand that busy working folks want stability in their news. Ok, to go over it again…FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, PUT SOMEONE IN THE ANCHOR CHAIR AND LEAVE THEM THERE!!!
Please channel 8, stop playing musical chairs with the morning anchors!!! I find myself spending too much time in the morning wondering who will show up in the anchor chairs! I would think that you “hot shots” in the executive board room would understand that busy working folks want stability in their news. Ok, to go over it again…FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, PUT SOMEONE IN THE ANCHOR CHAIR AND LEAVE THEM THERE!!!
I think the morning show is a vast improvement with the addition of Brad Hawkins as anchor. He is, clearly, smart and knowledgable of local and national news and has a great sense of humor. His new haircut is really snazzy and he is a great dresser – Keep up the good work!
I think the morning show is a vast improvement with the addition of Brad Hawkins as anchor. He is, clearly, smart and knowledgable of local and national news and has a great sense of humor. His new haircut is really snazzy and he is a great dresser – Keep up the good work!
Well, It seems that a lot of you do not like Miss Cynthia! I too, at first, did get very annoyed with the way she had to make sure everyone knew how to say her name correctly! But, I do think she doea a great job. I am a HUGE Alexa fan! I think she should have gotton the daybreak job. I really don’t watch daybreak though so, as long as they don’t let Cynthia take over mid day It is all good!!! I too was wondering what happeden to Justin? I am so glad he went home! What a cocky blank blank! He acted like reporting the news made him above us normal folk! Hope you all enjoy him in Hotlanta! Give Cynthia a break all you haters! She seems to be a nice gal! All these blogs about her are rough! Once again Alexa, You the Woman!!!! By the way, I don’t want anyone other than Greg Fields telling me what the weather is going to be like:) Haven’t seen much of Brad. Wish they would have brought Debbi back to daybreak! She was great!
Well, It seems that a lot of you do not like Miss Cynthia! I too, at first, did get very annoyed with the way she had to make sure everyone knew how to say her name correctly! But, I do think she doea a great job. I am a HUGE Alexa fan! I think she should have gotton the daybreak job. I really don’t watch daybreak though so, as long as they don’t let Cynthia take over mid day It is all good!!! I too was wondering what happeden to Justin? I am so glad he went home! What a cocky blank blank! He acted like reporting the news made him above us normal folk! Hope you all enjoy him in Hotlanta! Give Cynthia a break all you haters! She seems to be a nice gal! All these blogs about her are rough! Once again Alexa, You the Woman!!!! By the way, I don’t want anyone other than Greg Fields telling me what the weather is going to be like:) Haven’t seen much of Brad. Wish they would have brought Debbi back to daybreak! She was great!
Well the ratings are making it very clear what viewers think of Cynthia.. for that show to loose that many viewers in a year is staggering. Should be interesting to see what happens with that morning team now eh?
Well the ratings are making it very clear what viewers think of Cynthia.. for that show to loose that many viewers in a year is staggering. Should be interesting to see what happens with that morning team now eh?
I always wondered why Justin left and now I know. I thought Justin and Jackie had a great vibe. I like Cynthia and could care less about how she says her last name. Yes she does stress it, but that is her matter as long as she is pleasant and knows what she is talking about who cares about her last name. I like Brad(happy for your promo),Alexa and Greg. I also like the 10pm crew. Both Daybreak and 10pm seem to have great vibes and they are funny as well. To me that is a positive and makes me tune in to get the information needed daily. So Channel 8 you may be loosing ratings, but I will be a fan for life.
I always wondered why Justin left and now I know. I thought Justin and Jackie had a great vibe. I like Cynthia and could care less about how she says her last name. Yes she does stress it, but that is her matter as long as she is pleasant and knows what she is talking about who cares about her last name. I like Brad(happy for your promo),Alexa and Greg. I also like the 10pm crew. Both Daybreak and 10pm seem to have great vibes and they are funny as well. To me that is a positive and makes me tune in to get the information needed daily. So Channel 8 you may be loosing ratings, but I will be a fan for life.
It sure is interesting the way things are going on Daybreak. Word is viewers are not liking Cynthia, by now it is clear. Should be interesting what happens with the show. They had a good thing.
It sure is interesting the way things are going on Daybreak. Word is viewers are not liking Cynthia, by now it is clear. Should be interesting what happens with the show. They had a good thing.
I love Greg Fields..please dont go!!! He is the only reason I still watch Cahnnel 8 in the morning. I loved Jackie and Jsutin. The new guy Brad is boring, not enough of him to comment on. As far as Cynthia Izzzzz…where do I begin. There are several last names that have stress on the way it is pronouced, but every morning, over and over and over…STOP! Channel 8 stop punishing us. I think the only reason I keep watching is laughing at her try to be funny and cute…BUT SHE IS NOT. She is a Izzzzzzzzza..NOT.
I love Greg Fields..please dont go!!! He is the only reason I still watch Cahnnel 8 in the morning. I loved Jackie and Jsutin. The new guy Brad is boring, not enough of him to comment on. As far as Cynthia Izzzzz…where do I begin. There are several last names that have stress on the way it is pronouced, but every morning, over and over and over…STOP! Channel 8 stop punishing us. I think the only reason I keep watching is laughing at her try to be funny and cute…BUT SHE IS NOT. She is a Izzzzzzzzza..NOT.
I’ve stopped watching News 8 Daybreak because I got tired of hearing Cynthia pronounce her last name. Then she was filling in at the 10:00 PM news and I stopped watching that too. I’ve switched back to Channel 5. Everyone there knows how to pronounce their name so it doesn’t offend anybody. I can’t even stand to here her say “THAAAAANNNNKKKKKK YOUUUUUUU AAAALLEEEXXIIIAAAAâ€