Male Call

From Brian on the encounter blog…

There is something within men that causes them to love the 4th quarter comeback, the soldier who fights to the end, the battle that is won by a few against an army. Seems easy to see on the field of sports and in the movie. Its quite another story when it comes to life. Seems odd. The battles we watch on screen often count for so little, while the battles of life are more real, more costly, and more significant = loving your wife regardless, resisting temptation at all costs, standing for Christ even in the face of persecution. The Scriptures say we are to fight as warriors and run as elite sports figures.

My boys and I love playing some Halo and war games on the xbox. We battle it out, shout in our victories, and scream in our defeats. So much more than that. I want them to see in me and grow in them the heart of a warrior not just on screen, but in life, in faith, in their family.

Fight on!

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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