Late last year I invited my friends and family to join with me in helping save a family’s home from foreclosure. It was an amazing experience to see money come in from literally all around the world.
So many of you reached into your pockets and shared love with a stranger.
Thank you!
My friends are now totally clear with the bank. They finally received all the paperwork and approval from the bank, restructured their loan and are now doing great as she’s started her new nursing job.
Now that she’s graduated and started her new job (working in the same hospital and department my sister Amy worked in) I e-mailed my friend last week to see if there was anything in her past that led her into nursing and she responded with the following:
I was particularly drawn to be a Labor & Delivery nurse after my own personal experience as a young mom. 19 years old, freshman in college, newly married and terrified. Never in my life had I encountered such public humiliation and scorn as I did then. I was looked down up, and many times those in authority (professors, doctors) would assume I didn’t know anything because I had been dumb enough to get pregnant. It wasn’t until my second child was born; that I realized the unbelievable gift I had been given. Children, no matter the age of conception by the mother (!), were a precious kind of wonderful. It was then I made a dedication to teen mothers; specifically those who wanted to continue their education despite individual circumstances. Working here at Presby has allowed me to do that. I’ve had the opportunity to volunteer with Dallas area teen mom programs and its been greatly rewarding. I feel as if each mom I help (and even those who don’t want to be helped), I can jump right into their shoes. I know their hurts/thoughts/fears all without saying a word. It is in that way, I’m working through my own hurt I experienced.
When I was in my 2nd semester of nursing school a graduate student asked me what was my greatest love, then asked me what made me cry. First I said helping moms be moms, then I said injustice to women. It was then I put my heart on womens services; specifically L&D.
Today I had an amazing experience with a mother putting her baby up for adoption. It was her 4th child and this babys father was extremely abusive. After several ups and downs today, she told me I saved her and her baby’s lives by being there today. I will never forget that moment. It was then the hurt, the pain, the tears, the trial and hardship of the road I took here was all worth it.
Thank you again for loving a stranger and being the hands and feet of Jesus. I hope you’re inspired to find ways to help those in your own community as well.