Let me prove my Christianity

Why do we constantly have to prove our Christianity to each other?
I mean seriously. How many times have I gotten an e-mail that says, “If you love Jesus you’ll send this e-mail to X number of people”?
Let’s show them we love Jesus by filling their inbox with junk.
Now there’s a blog entry going around on Myspace and other places that says basically the same thing, but asks people to post a message on their blog or bulletin board saying they love Jesus.
Last night a woman went on a rampage a city council because she was a Christian, the council members are Christians, she knows what church they go to, and Waxahachie was founded on Christian morality, yet the council was going to vote to approve a liquor license at the civic center.
She was on a righteous mandate from God suddenly.
You know who else was on a righteous mandate from God? The people involved in the Salem witchtrials. They were God’s judge and executioner.
Does a righteous indignation some how make us closer to God?
What do you think?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “Let me prove my Christianity”

  1. Circumstances do not cause our character. They only reveal our character. “Righteous indignation” must be subject to God’w will with complete dependence on Him in humility or it is like a volcanic eruption with a lot of power but little constructive tendency.

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