Lebanon update

Mike’s been keep a better eye on things in the Lebanon/Israel conflict than I have and has posted a few comments from friends he has in the region.

From Lebanon – Word from the Middle East isn’t very good right now.

From a Lebanese friend, I hear…

“It’s ugly and it’s disgusting. The bombings are focused on Hizbollah locations, so it’s not like the entire country is being blasted. The problem is that the Israelis have bombed not only Hizbollah whereabouts, but also every major road and port infrastructure that Hizbollah can directly or indirectly use to get in weapons from Syria and Iran. Worst of all is, the number of innocent civilians that are falling is unbelievable. Israel has actually striked on several occassions on pure residential areas with direct hits on residential buildings…it’s total carnage.”

From a journalist stationed in Beirut, a warning…

“I just hope there isn’t a civil war. I’m convinced that if they send in ANY Western troops as part of an ‘international stabilisation force’, they will be attacked, and this place will become another Iraq.”

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

One thought on “Lebanon update”

  1. Didn’t the Israeli’s tell people to LEAVE the region? I know people want to stay in their homes but their government failed them by not cleaning up the mess and these people have to be dealt with. If the civilians stay in the region these terroists will use the civilians at all cost. LEAVE!!!! Thanks for the post JD I think I have got that out of my system now! No wait I haven’t post some more so I don’t do it on my site. LOL

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