As reported by Uncle Barky (as well as here) earlier this year, Justin Farmer’s last day with WFAA, Channel 8’s Daybreak was Friday, August 1. His contract officially ended August 5th.
Farmer made the announcement back in January (the same day morning co-host Cynthia Izaguirre joined the WFAA team) that he would be heading back to Atlanta to work for WSB.
Uncle Barky also reports that Brad Hawkins will be given the the rest of this year to win the job permanently.
It appears there was no mention of the switch on the air. Just a new face next to Cynthia Izaguirre on Monday morning (even though Hawkins has been filling in for Farmer throughout the year).
Hawkins will join Izaguirre, Alexa Conomos and Greg Fields weekday mornings from 5 – 7 a.m.
Folks seem to have varying opinions on the switch and move (see the comments on my original post). Amazing to see how dependent/accustomed we become to our favorite news anchors.
related ::
Uncle Barky’s original post
SSL :: Justin Farmer to leave WFAA
Uncle Barky :: Local Nielson ratings snapshot
WFAA :: Daybreak
WFAA :: Brad Hawkins
Just a note. I really enjoyed Justin Farmer what a great attitude he had in the mornings. He always made me laugh. Cynthia on the other hand a little hard to take sometimes! I can’t tell if she is making fun of people or truely sincere? Sounds a little fake to me.
Just a note. I really enjoyed Justin Farmer what a great attitude he had in the mornings. He always made me laugh. Cynthia on the other hand a little hard to take sometimes! I can’t tell if she is making fun of people or truely sincere? Sounds a little fake to me.
I’ve stopped watching News 8 Daybreak because I got tired of hearing Cynthia pronounce her last name. Then she was filling in at the 10:00 PM news and I stopped watching that too. I’ve switched back to Channel 5. Everyone there knows how to pronounce their name so it doesn’t offend anybody. I can’t even stand to here her say “THAAAAANNNNKKKKKK YOUUUUUUU AAAALLEEEXXIIIAAAA”
I’ve stopped watching News 8 Daybreak because I got tired of hearing Cynthia pronounce her last name. Then she was filling in at the 10:00 PM news and I stopped watching that too. I’ve switched back to Channel 5. Everyone there knows how to pronounce their name so it doesn’t offend anybody. I can’t even stand to here her say “THAAAAANNNNKKKKKK YOUUUUUUU AAAALLEEEXXIIIAAAAâ€
Cynthia needs to lighten up about saying her name…….Cynthia Izzzzzaaaaaguuuuuuuiiiiiiireeeeeeeeee. Around here it’s pronounced IZAGUIRRE…..short and simple. She just needs to go back to where ever she came from. She is so fake you can see right through her. I’ve read other blogs that say…..she’s hot. Whoever said that needs to get their eyes checked.
Cynthia needs to lighten up about saying her name…….Cynthia Izzzzzaaaaaguuuuuuuiiiiiiireeeeeeeeee. Around here it’s pronounced IZAGUIRRE…..short and simple. She just needs to go back to where ever she came from. She is so fake you can see right through her. I’ve read other blogs that say…..she’s hot. Whoever said that needs to get their eyes checked.
Jerry, you’re just out to bad-mouth Cynthia aren’t you? What’s that 7 or 8 comments now on my blog just bad mouthing her. Wow.
Jerry, you’re just out to bad-mouth Cynthia aren’t you? What’s that 7 or 8 comments now on my blog just bad mouthing her. Wow.
yeah her name is a problem. she is way overdoing it.. why?
yeah her name is a problem. she is way overdoing it.. why?
NOW if WFAA would wake up and get rid of Alexa Conomos – I would watch their morning program.
Its like a swinging door at WFAA – CONSTANTLY –
so I play it safe and watch NBC channel 5 – good folks. I dont know who does the hiring at WFAA – perhaps they (WFAA) needs to terminate the head of the HR department. It got real OLD along time ago. – well back to channel 5.
NOW if WFAA would wake up and get rid of Alexa Conomos – I would watch their morning program.
Its like a swinging door at WFAA – CONSTANTLY –
so I play it safe and watch NBC channel 5 – good folks. I dont know who does the hiring at WFAA – perhaps they (WFAA) needs to terminate the head of the HR department. It got real OLD along time ago. – well back to channel 5.
I am sooooo glad to have Brad Hawkins on the morning show. He and Cynthia really complement each other. I enjoy watching again. I’m glad to know that Justin Farmer has returned to an area he is comfortable with; it seemed to me that he just never really “fit” with us. Brad and Cynthia have brought me back to Channel 8’s morning news, I hope they stay for a long time.
I am sooooo glad to have Brad Hawkins on the morning show. He and Cynthia really complement each other. I enjoy watching again. I’m glad to know that Justin Farmer has returned to an area he is comfortable with; it seemed to me that he just never really “fit” with us. Brad and Cynthia have brought me back to Channel 8’s morning news, I hope they stay for a long time.
Well I am a long time WFAA watcher and love them all, sad to see Justin gone, but I understand about wanting to go back home. Love ALL of the news team on 5-7, noon, 5, 6 and 10. great crew!!! Welcome Brad to the morning show!!! He seems to have a great personality!!! Thank you WFAA
Well I am a long time WFAA watcher and love them all, sad to see Justin gone, but I understand about wanting to go back home. Love ALL of the news team on 5-7, noon, 5, 6 and 10. great crew!!! Welcome Brad to the morning show!!! He seems to have a great personality!!! Thank you WFAA
I am so glad I am not the only one who absolutely HATES the way Cynthia says her last name. We are all very aware she is Hispanic. Since we are on the subject of Cynthia’s….Cynthia Vega needs to do something with that stringy blonde hair! Yikes
I am so glad I am not the only one who absolutely HATES the way Cynthia says her last name. We are all very aware she is Hispanic. Since we are on the subject of Cynthia’s….Cynthia Vega needs to do something with that stringy blonde hair! Yikes
Brad Hawkins had been with channel 8 a long time, and does great job. Justin was good also, but I too am not watching daybreak much anymore because of Cynthia Issaaaggeerriiaee, Come on people, she is one of the most obnoxious, loud news anchors I have ever seen. Im sure she is a very nice person in person, but besides the name thing going on she tries to dominate the whole newscast. You can actually see the furstration on the other anchors faces.
Brad Hawkins had been with channel 8 a long time, and does great job. Justin was good also, but I too am not watching daybreak much anymore because of Cynthia Issaaaggeerriiaee, Come on people, she is one of the most obnoxious, loud news anchors I have ever seen. Im sure she is a very nice person in person, but besides the name thing going on she tries to dominate the whole newscast. You can actually see the furstration on the other anchors faces.
Brad and Cynthia really compliment one another. There is no doubt they actually like each other. Keep up the smiles guys..the weather guy on the other hand is a little too stiff he needs to loosen up alittle and go with the flow.
Brad and Cynthia really compliment one another. There is no doubt they actually like each other. Keep up the smiles guys..the weather guy on the other hand is a little too stiff he needs to loosen up alittle and go with the flow.
Brad HAwkins is the reason that I no longer watch WFAA(8). They need to bring Scott Sam back.
Brad HAwkins is the reason that I no longer watch WFAA(8). They need to bring Scott Sam back.