James Werner wants in

KERA sent a questionaire to Libertarian candidate for governor James Werner about the upcoming gubernatorial debate.
He is understandably upset that he has not yet been invited or included in the October debate.
He sent me a copy of the letter to KERA and he brings up several intersting points.

I am writing to inform you that I received your “Candidate Questionnaire” via FedEx Friday afternoon. Per our conversation, the stated purpose of this document is to assess my fitness for inclusion in the upcoming Texas gubernatorial debate of October 25. At this time, I plan to delay my response to this questionnaire.
During our telephone conversation of Friday, July 28th, you indicated that I was the only one of the five certified candidates for governor to be sent this questionnaire—and that I remain the sole candidate not to have yet received an invitation to the debate. In the interests of fairness and equity, I will allow the other candidates to be given the opportunity to answer this questionnaire as well. In the interim, I will look forward to receiving my own invitation to the debate…I think it is evident that my candidacy has received extensive news coverage…Clearly, a wide range of high-profile organizations are eager to secure my participation in
these debates…As you are aware, I am the only pro-immigrant candidate on the ballot. I am the only candidate who calls for an end to the destructive war on drugs. I am the only candidate who advocates ending state-sponsored discrimination against gays. I am the only candidate who calls for universal choice in education. And of course, I am the only true fiscal conservative…That said, I hope you will allow me and the other candidates to participate in the debate without regard to your judgment of our newsworthiness. As you are aware, the IRS has fairly strict guidelines for political activities of 501(c)(3) organizations like KERA. The IRS has made it clear that debate sponsors should only consider applying criteria to candidates in situations where they cannot reasonably accommodate all legally qualified candidates…The public square must not be restricted to the wealthy, the famous, and the politically connected. I trust that you agree, and that you will speedily extend to me an invitation to participate in this important event. I look forward to your favorable response.

Don’t know what KERA will ultimately decide, but it should get interesting either way.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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