Rasmussen Reports has a new national Presidential Tracking Poll that has Governor Huckabee tied with Rudy Giuliani for 1st place.
Rudy Giuliani 18%
Mike Huckabee 18%
John McCain 14%
Fred Thompson 13%
Mitt Romney 12%
Rasmussen Reports has a new national Presidential Tracking Poll that has Governor Huckabee tied with Rudy Giuliani for 1st place.
Rudy Giuliani 18%
Mike Huckabee 18%
John McCain 14%
Fred Thompson 13%
Mitt Romney 12%
I am starting to get on the Huckabee band wagon too. I don’t usually get into politics…maybe I’ve been around Marc too much! Who knows? Anyway, glad to see he’s in first!
I am starting to get on the Huckabee band wagon too. Glad to see he’s in first!
I am starting to get on the Huckabee band wagon too. Glad to see he’s in first!
I am starting to get on the Huckabee band wagon too. I don't usually get into politics…maybe I've been around Marc too much! Who knows? Anyway, glad to see he's in first!