As I’ve mentioned before, the nights Laurie is out and about are always a bummer — but they also give me a chance to “experiment” with new recipes and meals.
(Which I’m sure Laurie’s happy about that — she doesn’t have to pretend she likes whatever it is I’m experimenting with :-).)
Last night was no different.
I decided I’d try something new with homemade pizza.
Laurie may have actually missed out on this one.
We had some left over frozen rolls in the freezer and frozen potatoes — so like a good son of my dad — I decided to put them to use.
I thawed the 4 or 5 rolls in the microwave for a minute, making them pliable and moldable for the pizza crust. Once they were thawed, I put them together and rolled out a pizza crust. (You can also make a quick easy crust from scratch as well.)
After it was prepped, I drizzled olive oil over it and put it on the oven on broil.
I also drizzled a little olive oil over the potatoes, added a little salt and basil and put them in at the same time.
I let the crust cook till it was slightly browned (10-15 min) and kept the potatoes in until they were fully cooked (20 min or so).

While the pizza crust was cooking I started on the sauce.
Drizzled a bit of olive oil in the skillet.
Diced a garlic clove and tossed it in the skillet.
Sliced a few slices of onion and diced them, tossing them in the skillet as well.
After they had a chance to cook, I took a can of Rotel (drained) and added it to the onion and garlic.
As it cooked, I added basil and oregano to the mix. I cooked the mixture till it was nice and warm.

After the crust and sauce was done, I started assembling the pizza.
Sauce first.

Then I added the cheese.
We have a bunch of sliced cheese, so I decided to use it instead of our chopped cheddar cheese.

And added the roasted potatoes.

I threw the pizza back in the oven until the cheese was melted.

If potatoes aren’t your thing, they could easily be substituted with chicken, beef, or whatever favorite topping you like. Same for the cheese. Pick your favorite cheese — or do like I did and use whatever’s available.
While this is a quick and easy pizza to make — from almost all natural ingredients — its also the kind of pizza that goes great with a fork and knife.
Don’t rush through it by picking it up with your hands.
Pour yourself a glass of red wine (or cold beer) and enjoy it — slowly.