Firefox plugin protects children

From Lifehacker:

New Firefox extension Glubble whitelists parent-approved web sites for kids and locks down the browser to create a child-friendly, safe browsing environment.
Once Glubble’s installed, you create your own “Glubble world” and add yourself as a “controller.” Then you add individual usernames and passwords for each of your kids. From there you approve web sites that are ok for the children to visit. Essentially Glubble sets up an extra login to get into Firefox. When the kids log in, they’ll see a bright and colorful Firefox skin with lots of graphics and access only to approved destinations. If the child happens upon a site that’s not whitelisted, a request is sent to the controller. Then, next time you (the parent controller) log on, you can approve or deny the requested site.

From Glubble:

Glubble gives you the peace of mind to know your child can only see web sites that you trust for them. Think of Glubble as being better than sitting next to your child all the time because the software lets your loved ones see what you already approve and blocks everything else, even on search engine results from Google or Yahoo!

Laurie and I were just talking about how we definitely plan to limit our (FUTURE) kid’s Internet use. This looks like a great way to do it. And you’re still using Internet Explorer? Why?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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